So here is what I started typing this morning while waiting for my tires to get fixed......

So if things are looking a little wider they are. I started flipping through some blogs and came across this one and the lady was kind enough to show me what she did. Really easy step, but great to have it pointed out to me and save the time I wuld have spent searching. So Thank you to Tracy for helping out a stranger. I found that I ramble a little to much and thought if I stretched out the page some my visitors wouldn't have to scroll down so far.
**This is the month with National Card Making Day. I am thinking about holding a challenge to include anyone of my files entered in the forum at Paperthreads then voted on for a couple days and the winner will receive a few files per their desire from my blog. I still am trying to work out some of the details. The gallery is back up again at Paperthreads... so post post post away.
A little more on business... I have a few emails sent to me regarding the Scrap Savvy. I guess there is some confusion over who is backing the scrapsavvy. It is my understanding that at this time Michelle at Paperthreads does not have any backing in the Scrap Savvy. The confusion pointed out to me lies within the Dragonfly. Yes the logos are very similar. Michelle has used the dragonfly for the last few years with Paperthreads and all of it's packaging. Rumor has it... her house is covered in Dragonfly decor. But don't tell her I told you. In any case,business may change in the future (you never know how life will go), but for now Michelle is not part of the Scrap Savvy product, but as is true generous Michelle form. I am sure she will have a section of the Paperthreads Forum available for comment on the product in the future as people ask about it and want to come up with more
info. Michelle is very free in sharing her knowledge of the machines and offering her help and time with them. So I can't imagine this product will be any different. I think this a new logo for SS because it is a new product hitting the market. My understanding from Rumors is on the bottom of the page of this website is an image of the comparable machine. I am not reporting this as true because a scrapsavvy picture has not been taken. My machine looks like this machine only mine is a cheery bright yellow color and I don't have to worry about my grubby fingers getting on the white. Yes I have grubby fingers. I love to get dirty doing stuff. (don't tell Lori.. she loves to clean I have decided) As far as I know the Klic N Kut has been selling since last November and there have been all kinds of additonal products created to go with it. My own opinion would be this machine if it is it .... looks like it is my KNK with WinPC in a differen version wrapped up with it. If you are interested in any help with the WinPC features on it, I am not the WinPC guru. Lori is. So I am sure she will help anyone who needs help with it. I am partial to my KNK because I have it already. You can send me all your emails and questions as has been happening and I have no problem answering them, but of course it is just my thoughts on it and what I can dig up. One lady emailed me and said she liked the WinPc software so that is excellent. I think with every persons learning curve they will use different software. So the dragonfly for the SS is not Michelle of Paperthreads. But if anyone has a picture of SS that looks different then what I have posted. Please send it over... maybe I need to make counter space for a new machine!!! I can't buy anything without some idea of what it looks like. My husband would think I was truly crazy or obessessed with these cutting machines. hahah. Oh and apparently not all dragonflies are the same. :-) ewww. squishy bugs...Wait til you see the picture of the snake my son decided to hang out with this weekend. UGH.
Okay and as for a file... well I am working on it... I did post a snowflake jumble to the store for anyone looking for one and I do have some sale files this month...They are the images along the left of this post. I need to get a few files cut. I have been kicking out the requests. And maybe I will post more again later with the Card Challenge idea... seems we have some interest. I am going to see if I can get my friend Lori to join in on it. But more on that later.
So what do you think?? do you like the blog wider?? Man can I ramble... if you made it down this far. Wow. Thanks for visiting and listening.
**All right I am off.
** Oh and by the way... WHO CALLED ME OUT last time the Bestseller List was Reset and I was begging people to repopulate it for me again!! Lori Did... If you are ready for her shameless plug. Read the bottom of today's post... Seriously... Don't give me a hard time about it... if you are gonna do it to... HELLOOOOO (ROLLING EYES) hahahaha. Oh by the way... if you want a file.. I will try and come up with a sale of some kind for somehow to get my bestseller list going again!! hahahahahah. Okay... I need to go cut some files... toodles.. oh and wait til you see some of the awesome Christmas gifts I got this weekend... just wait..
I very much like the wider layout of your blog. I also love what you did with Lori's TO DO list. You two sound like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with everyone.
Chris, I just love the wider blog. Much easier to read IMO. And also love the Card Challenge idea. It would be using any file purchased for of yours right? Can't wait.
I like the wider layout, too. Just keep filling the space up! lol
I love your rambling! Between you and Lori I get my daily laughs in no problem, lol. See?! I also am loving that coffee loving file...of course I love all of your files. I just got distracted for a while during the halloween ones. (I don't do halloween but your files were cute anyway.) Keep rambling, I love to read it ;-)
Guess I'm the odd one out. I find the wider format harder to read for some reason. Won't keep me from popping by each day though. I love, love, love your files and hearing about your everyday life. Thanks for all you do.
Diane in TO
I Loved the revised Lori list!! And I'm ging to check into making my blog wider!!
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