And because Lori is out of town with the hubby I am going to do a little yacking....
I think Lori should offer a file for the 2nd to post an entry.. so post a comment here as to which file you would like from her collection and I am gonna "steal" it just like she did my file for pirate bingo... Between you and I ... She was totally pirated out by the time she was done with that Bingo game. Well maybe not pirated out, but her pirate speak was starting to happen in her emails. hahaha.. So I am gonna just graciously offer up one of her files for the 2nd entry to post at the card challenge. So post a comment here or at the thread so I can see which one of hers would be the favorite to get... Here is her blog for some pictures and here is the thread for the challenge at Paperthreads.
Okay... 2nd post today.. maybe I should just cut some files so I have a download...Wew! And we are home again today after all. My son is not as healthy as I thought he would be this morning. Tis the way it goes. Less hospital visits this way. And if all goes well my grandfather will be home to be comfortable by the end of today. Hopefully my MIL will get kicked out and sent home to. We shall see... hopin so.
This weekend we are headed to a production sale for horses. So for all those sending me such great comments and take care of yourself. This is my take care of myself. Weird huh? I can totally relax and be calm when I am analyzing and watch horses. Their conformation, their style, their personality, their look and their abilities.. it is wonderul. We will go take some comfy fold up chairs and watch horses for a good portion of the day and my little one can hang out and stretch his legs. The only chore will be to try to keep my hubby from giving me the LOOK. maybe I will have to wear my tshirt for this kinda thing. Here is a picture of it. It is strategically placed so my hubby can see it right when he looks at me. What do you think? Yes I can be evil.

What a cute file! I jut finisheed my card entry. Can't wait to post it. :)
Oooops forgot to mention, I think Lori's Boo boo file is adorable. Why don't you swipe that one. :P
Hi Chris,
I like Lori's Hilton Head file. I am headed to check out the Card Challenge at Paperthreads. Shirley Wilson
Chris, I must admitt that the
t-shirt made me giggle out loud! How funny!! Living in the heart of suburbia large animals are not a part of our lives, but can appreciate the love for the beautiful animals.
The snowman file is cute, love it. I will add that to my list of "must-have's" especially before winter.
Thanks for the chuckle....
ROFLMBO Where did you get that shirt? My sil soooo needs one of them!!!!!
oh...btw...your Snowy Friends Cutter Quick Page has sooooo inspired me to make a card or two but since I am NOT a morning person I am sure I'd just be better off to go buy it!!! ;) teehee
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