Woohoo!! It is Monday.. really early Monday was when I wrote this and I am just now getting it uploaded. wew!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. I am so ready to get back to creating. I took some time off to get a breakand hang out with family. To refresh. And it worked. My mind is just a going. I was prepping the Potted Poinsettia to cut and didn't get a chance so Joanne test cut it for me and what a beautiful job she did. I will do my best to get this into the store this week. I am readyto create create and create. Below is Joanne's card beautiful. Thank you for test cutting for me and thank you for sending the final piece to me. Fantastic!

Thank you also to everyone who participated in the presales and the sale for the weekend.I am not sure when the next will be. December plans to be a super busy month. My Dad is coming to the desert to visit, we are going to vegas for the nfr, and it is my Hubbies bday, Anniversary for my parents, nieces birthday, oh and of course... tadaa.... christmas. Can we please pack some thing else into the monthof December. Actually forget I said that or it will happen. Wowser!
But this past weekend was my anniversary. 6 years and counting. Love my Guy. We went out to dinner Saturday night at the place he proposed to me. It was fun. My punkin got to visit with his Aunt and Uncle and had a great time. I got to visit with my hubby and just relax. Afterwards we were going to go dancingtry to party like a rock star and stay out late like we used to. HAHAHA. We were ready to go get the kiddohead home and just hang out. Although... we did shut the Lowe's down on the way home. Woohoo!! Wewere out late enought to make it to last call at Lowe's. Of course we were getting paint and itemsto work on the fort which is just awesome that my hubby has been working on. Super romantical.. not for some.. but fun for me. Just that time together. Mahvelous.
And Sunday... I went through my little ones room. I got rid of 5 bags of things, some to goodwill,some to the trash, some to the ebay pile. My ebay pile is huge. I need to get on it.Took some explainingto my son that when gifts come there needs to be room for them. I took the time to organize the toys weput back and spread those toys out so he can get to them more. An area for the toy tools, the cars, the puzzles, the books. Etc. When we were all done. he was super excited to be in his room. It was refreshing and I am ready to work on each room of the house for my Dad to come visit and clean things up so next weekend we can put up the decorations.
Well I have to run my fingers are freezing. Jan.. one of the designers at Paperthreads.. she livesaround the corner from me just recently she moved here from a much colder client. Well she has beenpraying for cool weather. And it has beeeeeen cold. Cold for me anyways. My hubby went and pulled the portableheater out of the RV and brought it in the house this morning. It was 55 in here. Not chilly for some, but chillyfor this desert lady. We need to light the pilot light for the heater, but it is nice to actually havea few chilly evenings. sleeping under blankets instead of just a sheet. wewwweeee. But I am fully goingto blame it on Jan cause I know she has been praying for some colder weather and it's here.
Also, if you have a second my friend Lori at Paperthreads needs some positive thoughtsand prayers as she hits surgery this week. We are all praying for a quick return to thecomputer designing desk because some of her new files are just soooo cute. And also I love her witand can't wait for her to be back in the swing of things.
Seriously my fingers are gonna fall off they are frozen. I am off to find some hot cocoa. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you to those who sent me Thanksgiving emails and cards. It was very touching. I was very worried after I didn't get a chance to respond to so many emails when my grandfather passed away I would burn some people. Thanks for standing by me when I am swamped and your thoughts are awesome. I am off to finish up the Blessings Jumble!
Hey I live in Las Vegas, where are you staying when here???? Just curious, years ago I used to go to these, got tired of the nose bleed section, so gave up trying to get tickets, this town is full of silver at that time, and lots of things to go to, the convention center usually has a huge thing with horse trailers, cloths, jewelry, about everything you can think of, and Sams Town always has a tent thing, with loads of boots and hats, good deals.
I love how that card is done, can you ask the person what they put in the background?????
Ha Ha! Very funny, Chris! I'll tell you, I'm totally eating my own words right now! I had to turn the heat on this morning. BRRRRRR!
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