More later...
Here it is later.. pw is grandpa . And how exciting here is my first KNK freebie file download!! Wooohooo I am excited... Now for my moment to Rant a little. I hate to do this because I like this to be a happy blog.. so let me say my apologies first to those who this doesn't apply to.
These files are for your personal use. They are not for sharing.. some people don't get this... In fact I had someone email me my file saying someone else had sent it to them and they wanted to ask me a question about it. .. hmm that would be sharing. If you missed a file, please consider purchasing it. I offer every single one of my files that I sell for free for a limited time. I think it is fair that if you missed one and really want it. Consider purchasing it from me at Paperthreads. Am I whining?? I might be?? because I recently found one of my files posted on a board with my information deleted from the file. I won't go into who what when where and why, but please realize that if you download a file. It means your are in acceptance of my terms and that is to not share or claim as your own and/or alter and claim as your own. It is for your own individual personal use. This file is no longer available, but will be available for purchase at Paperthreads. that's it for me. hope everyone enjoys the file and on to great great great times with the new KNK downloaders hopefully coming on board to visit my blog.
On to happier thoughts.... thank you for the many happy comments regarding my squirtgun party pics. we rented the super slide. it was not as much fun as the previous years Slide. But it was fun and the kids seemed to enjoy it. Yes that is my hubby. Love him love him love him. The little boy running down the slide is my little one and the other kids are a friend of mines. My son had hives during the day, but nothing could hold him down. And as for the water trough with water. We have more kids and adults in that thing during the party. I think it is a novelty and they all love it. I am hearing great protest that there wont be a squirtgun party next year!
Well I am super excited about the new KNK files and am half way through all my files at Paperthreads and adding the KNK version to the file download. 'tis a ton of work. So I will be glad when I get it under control. Also, in doing the cleanup I am also going to add .wpc files to any of the downloads that don't have them for those .wpc downloaders. My numbers don't show there are many of them, but as long as their are .wpc downloads I will offer them.
Well my son wants to play Cars again. Okay so a little unknown fact about me...I could recite the movie cars because I think I have heard it/seen it about 72 times and that isn't an exaggeration. "Crazy Hotrodders"
Okay so I wanna know how many of my downloaders are winning over at the bingo game at Paperthreads. I am just curious. I think the winning pot is huge for one game. So I am hoping someone that visits here regularly wins it.
Okay I better run.
You remind me of my mom with your creativity. She was a LOT like you when I was growing up...we would be out in the stores and see something..anything (the woman can sew, paint (every medium), does woodworking, garden, tinpunching, and a zillion other things I am not thinking of on the spot)...anything she saw she'd say...I think I can make that myself. And I'll be darned if she couldn't SERIOUSLY go home and make it herself either the same or better. You remind me of her in that way. These look so cool and I'm excited to check it out! Thank you for sharing your creative genius. Shae
These are adorable, Chris!! Can't wait for the file.
These are really great!
I love these too....so cute
Very Cute!!! As always I love your files--they are the highpoint of my day. As for Bingo--I'm playing but not doing so hot--only have 3 of the words that have been called--oh well it is still fun!!!
Cute file.
Tooooo funny about the Cars. I think I could recite it too. If we lived closer we could put on our on production :) I wanna be Fillmore. :) Fly away Stanley Be freee :)
Thanks again for your files, Chris. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
I've got 4 of the Bingo words so far and I haven't chk'd it today--guess I need to do that!
You know, ... boo to people who don't respect TOU. No reason for that. It's so fun to read your excitement over your new tool! So happy for you on that. And can hear you on the 72X viewing of movies. I think I can recite Toy Story line by line in my sleep. And did you say no squirt gun party next year? What did I miss? Thank you for the awesome file! Shae
Super cute, Chris. I hope I'm able to grab the file once you put it up!! You are so good at this stuff!!!
Hey Chris!
I have 5 of the 6 bingo words so far over at Paperthreads! It's a shame to hear about the sharing your files issue. You are SOOOOOOO gracious to share with all of us. I have purchased several of your designs at Paperthreads because they are so awesome! Please know you are appreciated!!!
Sorry someone misused your files Chris. You know we had that happen at Paperthreads in March and our free downloads were stopped for a few days. they finally were restarted, but it certainly soured the whole thing after that.
Great files! Love your style!
I just wanted to say you totally freaking ROCK! Thanks so much for what you do!!!
Hi Chris,
Thanks so much for the punches. I know I will use them often. I do wonder how they work. Are they blue (or whatever color paper you use) circles with the "item" cut out of the circle. Or does the item along cut out of the paper and then you use whatever shape around it that you want? Does that make sense? Hmmmmm. BTW your son looks adorable in the slip and slide. I lived in PHoenix back in the early 80s but haven't been back since. :( I live in the Chicago suburbs now. Thanks as always for all your files. It is very helpful to us "less creative" ones.
What you don't post my comments!!!
I live in South Africa and it is difficult with foreign currency to order files. Just to let you know, your work is stunning. i can not wait to open the website. it is like receiving a Xmas present every time there is a new file. I do miss a lot of the downloads, possibly due to the time differences, but the once i have downloaded are unreal. keep up the excellent work.
Isn't piracy the saddest thing Chris?? How can people pretend that they made these files? Sadly, piracy has gone through everything, scrapbooking, cardmaking, just everything .. and the end result is disheartened designers take the freebies away from everyone because they feel that is the only way to stop the pirates, so it is a lose - lose situation. People who love the freebies, and respect them, lose out because of the grabbers. Thank you for your generosity and these punch files will be sooo useful. Have a great day and just gotta love CARS. My youngest is 29 years old but thank goodness for grandchildren (or how else would the big kid in me get to watch all the great movies?)Hope MIL continues to make good progress.
My orginal comment - that went missing was - these punchs are CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!
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