So here is todays download. I was asked for a pack of keys. So here are some for everyone. I thought if someone needed them then maybe more then one did. My Terms of Use. If you download these files they are for your personal use only! This file is no longer available for freebie download, but will be available at Paperthreads for sale. Okay so the well is fixed. wooohooo. This makes me super happy. Very stressful to not have water running.
Okay so I am in a creative slump. I need some ideas of what things people are looking for. I think it might be the heat or just that so many things have happened recently. I need some new creative juices and I am hoping those out there have some to offer. If you have some ideas. post some comments here so I can get back into the swing of things. And let me say in advance thank you for any help you might give.
pw is grandpa
Thank you so much for your amazing files. I only download those that I know I will use.
I would love to see some girly themes files like Princess or Fairies.
Again thank you for being such a clever and generous person.
Hi Chris,
I'm so sorry you've got it so rough right now. I'm also very grateful that you find some "play" time amongst the heat, rain, chores, etc. Thanks for the files...I'm eating them up as a fairly new KNK owner. Here are a few ideas of files I haven't been able to find: a jumprope, an angel food cake, money (bills and coins), and a catfish/flathead. I hope you get a break from the heat soon! Happy creating,
Jessica in Kansas
How about some slip and slide stuff? My kids are really enjoying the slip and slide this year...and all I can find if sprinkler....
love the files! I am on summer vacation ( I teach preschool) and I am trying to do a file for my daughter who just started massage therapy school. She is going to work in a Physical therapists office and I was looking for a lotion bottle, and other ideas I posted on the paperthreads. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks Nina
Chris, I'm so glad you got your well fixed. I know how you feel abt the horses, we only have one here and I worry all the time. I love the key set. I can't really help you with ideas, everything you do is just awesome. I'm going camping this weekend if that helps any, I love the outdoors. You have a great weekend. Robin
I would love the see School titles. preschool 1st grade etc... I need to get caught up on my boy's school albums. Another thought is that soon we will have to start thinking about Christmas cards, Maybe a card like your fern only a pine tree or poinsettia. Just a few of my random thoughts. Thanks again for all the great files. Rosalie
Hey Chris!
Thanks for the cool keys. We're working on a heritage album and they wil work nicely with that.
Things I'm working on...
Family reunion pics
Heritage album
Hippo Therapy - (horseback riding therapy for kids with special needs. My daughter LOVES it!)
Back yard fun! - pool, slide, swing, bubbles, chalk, wagon, cars, bikes, etc. (Yes, I have pics of them all!)
Scrapbook Convention - crops, shopping, great food!, free stuff, classes, hotel, girl talk, etc.
Hope that helps get ya going again.
I just wanted to thank you for all the freebies that you give us. It's obvious that you put a lot of work into them. As for suggestions for your creative block, what about monsters. Not real scary ones, but not too cute either. My sons are crazy about monsters all of a sudden and Halloween is still months away (they are 6 and 4). Just an idea.
Take care,
Thanks Chris for the Keys and all the other downloads you have done for all of us!!
Sooo Happy about the Well being fixed for your family & the Horses!! Got to have that Water!! Being in Oregon, on the coast, it gets to 75 and we think we are cooking...lol..lol My heart goes out to you...
Chris, hope your water gets working again soon.
One would never know you are in a creative slup, I enjoy browsing all your files. As for ideas, here are things I'm always on the lookout for
ballet-ballerina, slippers
school items- globe, book, scissors
sports-soccer, basketball
cooking-sppon,, mit, whisk, bowl,measuring cups/spoons
Oh these are GREAT!! I can use 3 of them already...thank you so much for doing these..now as far as your slump I think you are coming up with some good files LOL..
may be you can do amusment parks for the summer vacation?
county fairs
hope this helps some.. and I hope your family is doing ok.. thanks again.
Diane aka grandmastoy
Very cute keys, thanks Chris! Call me crazy, but I've decided to get started on my Christmas cards. So I'd love some great greetings and shapes, maybe snowflakes, santas, etc. for cards. Just an idea!
Thanks for the fun keys--your file already has my mind going. As for suggestions for files, I have 2 little boys who love to play with cars, trucks, trains, basically anything with wheels. I've tried making files, but they look very "elementary"--I'm positive you could do much better. Just an idea if you really are drawing blanks on what to do.
Thanks again for sharing your files!
Thanks so much for all of your generous files. You asked for suggestions... My daughter is getting married next spring, so anything wedding or bridal shower would be greatly appreciated. Again, thanks for all your files, and congrats on getting water..
Thanks so much for all of your generous files. You asked for suggestions... My daughter is getting married next spring, so anything wedding or bridal shower related would be greatly appreciated. Again, thanks for all your files, and congrats on getting water..
Hi Chris, feel very cheeky requesting files as you are sooo generous already. But as you asked....I went to a Medieval Fair on the weekend and got some great photos of the jousting. I would love something to scrap with these photos - anything medieval would be great!
Thanks for all your hard work and sharing so generously with those of us without your creative genius.
So glad you got your water back Chris, just can't imagine life without water on tap. The file looks great - could be the "key" to some super lo's, lol! What about some padlocks/door locks, hinges, chains etc if they are not way too difficult? (Forgive if you have already done these in the past, I only found your site about a month ago)And what about a water slide, water guns etc - from the comments you inspired a load of water parties, so those things might be very well received. Have a great day.
Chris love all your files. I'm a fairly newbie owner of a craft robo and at scrapbooking but I'm collecting files ready to make a scrapbook for my grown up daughter.
I make cards for my own personal use and even though I can weld words a bit I'm having difficulty doing long words like "congratulations" and "anniversary" and would love something special to put on my cards.
I love your work!
How about something with swings, play equiptment (slide, monkey bars, etc) and tire swing for those summer lazy days in the backyard, at the park or by the lake!
This file is great, as they all are.
My son has a birthday coming up and a birthday file would be great. He will be six and he is certain that since he's going to be a man when he wakes up that morning. It's the cutest thing; he noticed the hair on his legs, and he now can reach higher than before...all of these things indicate to him that he is a man when he is six. So cute!
Here is my suggestion for new 'creative juices' to flow. :) What about an outline of each of the 50 states? Or countries (start with the European ones first please. :)) Then there are all the different monuments, places of interest throughout the world (i.e., Grand Canyon, Devil's Tower, Pyramids, Yellowstone's "old faithful", Grand Teton mountains, San Francisco's cable cars, golden gate bridge, or all the ski resorts in Colorado, Utah & Montana, and working my way East, the paddleboats that go up and down the Mississippi river, the "blues and jazz" stuff from New Orleans, Chicago's Sear's Tower, or their water tower building or Hancock building, then you've got tons of stuff for New York, Washington DC, and Niagara Falls. Should I go on???? I really do love the work you do. I travel a lot and always need "places" cutter files. Thanks Chris.
How about beach themed ones. I especially need a shark. :) (My 5 yr old grandson's request. :)
Love the keys!!
A cool pirate chest/skeleton type key would be great to go wit the set ;)
I second the previous poster who said REN FAIRE/Festival stuff!
We have gone to Ren Faire every year for the past three summers and plan to attend again this year.
So anything pirate-y
sword-fighting (not foils but real swords)
Your files are great! I try to check everyday, they get me motivated to scrap. (I am in a slump right now, I live in the desert also (in California though and we have swamp coolers, so even inside it gets a bit hot when the weather is extreme!) Right now I am working on the pages from the Wild Animal Park, so I am looking for titles, gorillas, or other wild animals..
Thanks for the great stuff, and I hope things settle down in your life!
Thanks for all your great files! I was just chiming in with a request made at paperthreads. I think many of us travelers could use SCUBA or SNORKLING themed files. I haven't really looked to see what's out there, but I will be needing them shortly and repeatedly so I thought I would request here because...girl "you got style". Thanks again.
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