This was a request I got a while ago. I am running way behind on some of my requests. But I thought I would share it here in case anyone can use it. The Two mouses on the left actually are layered on top of eachother with the bottom of the number three in between this makes the tails look like they wrap around the number three. So these are for your personal use! Please do not download unless you plan to follow the terms. Downloading is an acceptance that these files are for your own personal use. not to be shared with others, altered or claimed as your own. This file has expired and will be available at Paperthreads soon.
So on to life. I took my son to open gymnastics for toddlers today there open gym hour. He loves it! Loves to run! Love to tumble! He gets to run across the trampoline, swing on the parallel bar, jump on the spring board and land on a big foam box. It is wonderful to watch him smile. I took some pics and when I get a chance I will throw a few up here. So for now I must run and do some laundry and get some things together for the slight possibility we will be hitting the lake this weekend for the day. Wooohoo! We'll see how it all plays out.
new pw is laketrip
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the three blind mice file!! It's super, super cute!! I would love to see pix of your toddler tumbling around the gym!! I hope life has "cooled" down for you some!!
Jessica in Kansas
I love your cutter files. You always seem to have such great ideas. Your little boy looks about the same age as my son, they look similar also. My son Ben is 2 1/2 and always seems to be into something he shouldn't. The other day I went out to my flower bed and I noticed he and his sister were giggling about something and I looked and they had picked the last of my remaining flowers. They were making me a bouquet out of my Gerber Daisys, Hollyhocks and Coreopsis. My husband took pictures of the kids with the last remaining flowers from my garden. The deer had eaten everything else except for the Gerber Daisys. I lost all of my hostas, phlox, roses and just about everything to the deer. My 4 year old daughter Katherine informed me that Ben and her were "saving" the flowers from the deer. She let me know that the "rotten deer" (my words repeated) would not be able to eat the rest of the flowers because Ben "saved" them for me. Would it be possible for you to create a Gerber Daisy file or other flowers? I always am looking for flowers due to my Dad and Mom being big gardners. I try to garden but either time, children or deer have a way of sideling this hobby. Thank you Chris - your creations are always so beautiful. Heather
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