Please join me at my new site... www.visualdesignsbychris.com . This site is no longer active. Offerings are all posted at my new site. Thank you for stopping by! ~Chris visualdesignsbychris.com
Okay so here is another book. I have a few files I am working on to mix and match in between the books. Thank you for all the great requests. I have lots of them in the works.
This files come with a barrel racer cut out. you can put on the front or on the inside or not use. This book has the mat for the word attached to the front page and you have to cut out the letters and attach them to get this look. Included is an area on the front for a journaling strip (box included) that you can put the name of the rodeo, the date, or the contestant. Also, is the setup for the blank pages you can use to make your rodeo book as thick or as thin as you'd like it to be. I constantly get requests for horse files. So I hope someone likes this. This files is for personal use! Please do not share, alter or claim as your own. This download is no longer available, but is available for purchase at Paperthreads HERE.
A few other things.....
Many people request fonts names. Honestly, I have so many fonts and so many that I use. I use a font viewer. Flip through them to see if there is one I like and then put it into Illustrator and create outlines. Then it isn't even a font anymore. I am usually about 5 files ahead of what I am offering (other then test cutting) and can never remember what the font is. My apologies. This may drive some people crazy, but if I kept all my fonts on my computer it was would be the slowest machine ever! Sometimes I can remember which font it is but don't know which version or style. And some I have altered so much it would be hard to say yes this is font because I work with it as an image and tweak and tweak and sometimes stenciling 'til I get it where I want. Again my apologies.
The weekend is almost here woohoo! It will be a busy one. Baby Shower for my sister. Seeing long distance relatives and visiting friends who live up the road from us. I look forward to it, but am ready for a slight slow down. I am not sure that will happen. Insomnia last night so I worked on a lot of files which is good for you guys, but not great for my concentration today. Craziness. Tonight we see my inlaws and are going to hear a live band at their club, eat dinner and dance a little. The hubby and I love to dance! In fact we met on the dance floor. Our son loves to dance to. He is always bouncing around when he hears a beat.
If you have made it this far, I am going to have change my passwords around a bit. So keep an eye on it. So this one changed today before you click the link and head over and get it.
Well I better get a move on.
password is enjoylife
I was wondering through the gallery over at Paperthreads looking at everyone's great work and came across this. I know I have seen it before, but I didn't know if I shared it here or not. I like the bright pink and white colors of it. (see I have nothing against pink). But it is a super cute word book created. It is by KMBURK and it is Caitlyn's Name Book. Here is the link to kmburk's gallery. I just wanted to share..
Okay I better run.. The horses need feeding as well as my son as he sits here patiently waiting for me to post so he can have breakfast when I am done.
And yes there was a new password yesterday. I think many must have realized that because there were lots of downloads.
Create N Cut... So I have been sent a few emails about offering FS files for the Create N Cut Software. I currently do not own it. If I get to the point where I can purchase it and start offering those files also. I will do so. But for now. This is what I have to offer. But I have been reading into it lots lately and trying to figure if I should set up my Mac Station for Create N Cut
Okay so this is a compilation of two requests. One I found on the Paperhtreads forum for a dancing hippo and the other was for this cute little monkey that originally had all been hand cut. I thought they would fit together perfectly. and thank you to both the requestee. This was a fun fun project to working on.
Thinking you could add a piece of lace to the hippo for a tutu.
I have to run to gymnastics with my son and then we will be back to upload all the links for the download. Just wanted to show you what was in store for today. THIS FILE LINK IS HERE. PLEASE READ FURTHER DOWN.
Something awesome... I have 98 files in the store!! Woohoo I have almost hit the 100 mark. So by the end of the month I should be there. Since I started this in the middle of February, I am shocked and amazed that it is going so well and my download numbers and web visits are still going so well.
These are for your personal use only. Please do not share or alter or claim as your own. This file is no longer available for download, but is available at the Paperthreads store HERE. Well more later my son is doing tumbles in the living room waiting to head out.
pw is laketrip
same pw as last post
Word Comparison chart.................Okay now for my terminology project... In Illustrator the term for linking letters together to cut as one piece is Merge and it can be found in the Pathfinder Window. What is the term in the other programs?? Please post the program and the term used for this function under the comments here. thank you to everyone participating.
So everyone have a wonderful evening! Sorry so late in the day, but I made it in just barely.Okay so the challenge is on at Paperthreads. Alot of the designers jumped on board with me to up the ante for the winners and some of the designers even offered files to every person who signed up for the game. So check it out by clicking HERE. and sign up. Today is the last day you can do so. Always nice to have friendly competition especially when it benefits the crafters in the world. So I donated a few files to the prize and I, also, offered a 10 gift certificate to the store at Paperthreads for anyones files. So good luck to those who sign up. I wish I could there are some fantabulous files up for grabs there.
OKAY I got a quick list of the prizes for the BINGO game from Shirley at Paperthreads.
Wow! I guess I got the ball rolling! Hope everyone can sign up today.
The first name is the designers name donating the item to the prize
and free for all means everyone who signs up will get it.
Carrie - Flourishes and Christmas Ornaments
Michelle - Burning Candle, free to all
Jen - Christmas Light Border
Jenette - Santa with presents
Jules - Christmas Star Print and Cut - free to all
Luanne - Two Print and cut Files - Ho Ho Holidays CUTS and Santa CUTS
Barb - Merry Christmas Title and candy cane
Lori - No pic yet
Chris - Fiesta Card and $10 gift certificate
Shirley - Christmas Fun Collection
If I can get a file up, I will update the post time at the top and put it at the bottom here.
Thanks or stopping by and have a wonderful day!