Hello and Happy Thursday! It is almost the weekend my son is acting like a normal child again and is upset that he doesn't have spots like a dalmation anymore, but glad to be home today to run around and have fun instead of going into the office. Woohoo!! Makes me happy to see him playing.. So I am always the party planner. This file is no longer available for download, but you can Purchase it Here. We usually have a huge squirtgun party in June and it is tons of fun. Mass histeria.. adults running around like maniacs with super soaker water guns and I of course with the actual hose! No dummy here. Last year we rented a water slide, it was taller then the house and there were many adults climbing up in it. Lots and lots of fun. Oh yes there are children to enjoying the moment as well. We all look forward to it every year.
Well back to the file. It is a few pieces, a sun with back layer to make it two color, small flowers, A square for under the square that says Summer Party. The words Summer Party have no little pieces to paste in place because I stenciled the font. I love it when a whole piece cuts out. This file is for personal use only! Please do not alter, share or claim as your own.
Some other excellent news!! This just made my day yesterday. Christina VanGinkel penned an article about GSD files and this site was included in the article! Christina, I know you check this blog regularly, so let me tell you again I am still in happy bouncy mode about this. If anyone wants to read it, the link is here. Paperthreads, where I sell my files exclusively, was also included in the article. Michelle's site is phenomenal and so if you are new to cutting visit their forum. It is packed with help and tutorials for any level user.
I am also loving reading all the comments posted here. Thank you for everyone's wonderful input!
Oh I almost forgot in all my rambling... the password is birthday. It has changed because my sons bday is coming up in April. He will be three he reminds me on a regular basis.
Thank you again to everyone visiting my site. Okay and my last ramble... or question is..?? Are these cutlin
e images helping anyone with the file? or is it a waste of my time? It is an added step to the project, but if people like seeing what the cuts look like I can continue with them or skip them. Havent decided myself if they are helpful. Thanks mucho!

Thanks for sharing your .gsd files. I've used a one of them already and I only found your blog a yesterday.
I like to see the finished cut in the different colours but I don't really find seeing the cutline graphic that useful as I tend to open files straight away to see them in the software.
Thanks again.
Thanks for sharing your .gsd files. I've used one of them already and I only found your blog yesterday.
I like to see the finished cut in the different colours but I don't really find seeing the cutline graphic very useful as I tend to open files straight away to see them in the software.
Thanks again.
The cutlines always help me! Thanks Chris.
Thanks so much Chris, this will look lovely on one of my summer pages!
FUn file! Thanks!!
Too funny that your sons b-day is in APril (and so glad he's feeling better!). I have 2 of them who have b-days in april :) As well as my wedding anniversary :) Busy mointh!
Love this file, so many possibilities! Thanks so much
Wow - great website - looks like you have a lot of fantastic stuff to share!!!
Becci =)
This idea inspired me to make a title box with a similiar layout but a Christmas theme. Thanks for all your great ideas. I'd love to see a park idea.
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