This download is no longer available, but you may purchase it Here. These are going fast. Everything from the last posts apply to this one. Guaranteed this one will be taken down within 24 hours because I am hitting my download limit within about 12 on these. SO GLAD YOU MADE IT! Wew!
I hope to see lots of projects with them here or in the gallery at Paperthreads. What I am looking for ...if anyone can help? Pretty Please is a list here in the comment thread of ways to bind the pages together.
So far we have
Posts like a post bound book
Ribbon through punched holes
Book Binding
Sprial Binding
& Rings
Do you have any great ideas to add to this list?
Thanks for the help!
Enjoy! Have a wonderful Friday!
Can't wait for me? Want the whole set plus numbers and the symbols $ ! &, You can purchase it Here at Paperthreads.
I attended a class last week and we put a paper album together using a crop-a-dile. We set with eyelets...that is probably how I will "bind" my word books.
Thank you again for sharing - the letters are amazing.
I would add a dashed line to the left-hand side to make a border line so that that each page of the book folded nicely when opened - I'd then add brads, eyelets, stapled ribbons etc to embellish. Thanks for sharing ***SparkleBabe ***
It has been 26 hours Chris.. Oh Chris where are you with the next set!!! LOL
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