This is QRST. Same information as the rest of the letters. Well I am off to prepare my room for the new furniture we are getting today! Whole new bedroom set. Woooohooo! Then help my sister move into her new house and hang out with my brother and his wife at my Aunt's house. It is gonna be a great family day! I look forward to it with my husband and son. Who has shown me every possible john deere or caterpillar tractor he wants for his birthday. We have a tool magazine that had a two page spread of caterpillar tractors. It was good for an hour of staring at and showing mom everyone of them and saying. Can I have this one? He will be 3 and loves his tractors. Password for this file is birthday.
Everyone have a wonderful Saturday!
Terms of Use: This file is for personal use only. If you want to read a more detailed terms of use on my files. I included one in the last download because I have been asked. Also it is available at my website under cutter files.
This file is no longer availabe, but you can purchase it here..... Please do not share or alter and claim as your own.
Thank you to everyone who purchased the entire set at the store at Paperthreads!
Thank you to everyone who purchased the entire set at the store at Paperthreads!
Enjoy Enjoy!
Thank you Lori for the wakeup call. Made me smile first thing!
Thank you Linda for the Itsy Bitsy Spider picture which I have added to the blog here!
Also, did anyone see the cute skate party card? There is a picture on the blog here as well from Marianne!
And thank you to everyone with their help with Binding the book. I think I need to check out one of those cropadile things! And scoring the edge for brads is such a great idea tooooo! I have a professional scoring board, but I still use the dashed lines it makes it easy to get it all in one pass when cutting then to pull out the scoring board. thank you for everyones input!
I'm excited for you with new bedroom furniture. I can hardly wait for the day we can do that. With little ones we have been buying baby/toddler furniture so mommy/daddy furniture is pushed back farther and farther!
I'm so excited to have the next set of letters - thank you again. I can almost spell my oldest's name now!
Really check out the cropadile. It is SOOOO awesome. It will even punch through tin cans! And chipboard....and ...well almost anything.
Have a wonderful day!
Anything to help a friend!!! :)
I went on to ebay today Chris and got the crop a dile - shipping and everything I got it for $20!!!
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