. This one was sent to me in email with a request. It is a racing file of sort. The letters are a stencil so they have no little pieces to glue together. This might be cute for those bike-a-thon pictures elementary kids do as well. For Personal Only! Enjoy! This link is no longer available, but you can Purchase it HERE.
This was a comment posted here on this blog and thought it was cute so I had to share here. Hope Beloved K doesnt mind.
BelovedK said...
Hehehehe.... this one is toooo cute!!! My husband just came home on his leave from Iraq - and I swear his driving crappy!!! I think I will use this to document how bad it was!!! LOL And since I really don't have any photos of him driving.. (I was hanging on for dear life) this will make a great focal point!! Thanks Chris!!!!
Hehehehe.... this one is toooo cute!!! My husband just came home on his leave from Iraq - and I swear his driving crappy!!! I think I will use this to document how bad it was!!! LOL And since I really don't have any photos of him driving.. (I was hanging on for dear life) this will make a great focal point!! Thanks Chris!!!!
Hehehehe.... this one is toooo cute!!! My husband just came home on his leave from Iraq - and I swear his driving crappy!!! I think I will use this to document how bad it was!!! LOL And since I really don't have any photos of him driving.. (I was hanging on for dear life) this will make a great focal point!! Thanks Chris!!!!
Posted by Cindyann
Mar 13, 2007 2:14:14 PM
Oh, Chris, thank you! I love it! You are not only creative, you are so nice to share your talent and time.
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