Speaking of new... here is a sneak peak of the files the upcoming challenge. I will not be sending out the link 'til my birthday weekend some time. Please read the following before your email finger is ready to click send. I will post when you can email me and request the link. I am showing you a sneak peak early because I am getting emails daily now of folks waiting for the next one. So if you send me an email now requesting the link it may not go through. Just wait til midmonth when I announce I am ready to send them. Right now it will end up in my "file 13" lost to the world. :-)

This may not be my final set of Challenge files, but it is what I am dabbling with right now. These are pieces that I have found throughout my workings of files that I have abandoned for one reason or another.
Also, if you are a member of the QMC you are hopping with downloads over there. I think I uploaded 6 files in the last two days which puts us at 17 and I have about 5 more I know of and will continue to offer them as I can until the end of the quarter. So we will definitely be over the 20 files limit. Woohoo!! Love that and it is always my goal.
Well, I better get to some cleaning the house and getting things ready to move around. Hope you have a wonderful wonderful weekend!!! Don't forget to stop by in the next few days. Don't want you to miss out on Terrific Tuesdays next week. Enjoy!