Please join me at my new site... . This site is no longer active. Offerings are all posted at my new site. Thank you for stopping by! ~Chris
Monday, March 31, 2008
Get 'em down..
But for now I wanted to say if you are a member of the QMC today is the last day to download all the files of the first quarter!!
Thank you much!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Gymnastics, Yard Sale, ramble ramble ramble..

We went to gymnastics today. It was alota fun. I love to see my little one running around and trying out all the different things. Balance Beam, Trampoline, Foam Pit, all of those... except we have a weird phenomenon in our little household. My son has decided to talk in third person. To refer to himself by name instead of with I or me. It is interesting, but he did it in the middle of soccer practice and at the gym this morning. The other parents look at me like I have some tumor growing out of my head. I smile and say. Oh yes this is our new thing have any idea on how to break it? They all shake their heads and smile and walk away. yeah I am not one of those Mom's who sits there and chats during gym. I am standing next to the foam pit getting the rope for the next kid. Jumping up and down on the spring boards (Definitely sports bra time. Does anyone have a suggestion of a good brand because this one is shot) And of course my secret pleasure the trampoline! My little one will sit on one end and I will bounce around him and shoot him off the trampoline. he can't stay seated. he giggles and giggles. It is lots and lots of fun. What a great way to get ready for the weekend.
My weekend will be fun I hope. I have plans to visit a Scrapbook store in Phoenix that is having a yard sale on Saturday night. It is not far from my brother's house and so I think I shall drop off my guys and then head over there to check it out. They are open 'til 9 pm. Lucky for me. Scrapbooks Etc. in Mesa. My hubby thought it was crazy they were open til 9. I thought it was wonderful. And he said in his most wonderful husband voice. Do you want to just drop us off at your brothers or do you want us to come with? Will it rush you? because if it does you can just drop us off. I SOOO LOVE THIS MAN. He goes to craft fairs with me and hits the antique shops, can change the oil in my truck. looks great on a horse. and builds things like you have never seen. Phenomenal. that is all I have to say. So to not put him in any misery I will be heading to the "Yard Sale" myself. Hopefully it will be fun. I haven't been to one. Wish me luck!
Well I am holding back on files so I have lots to add to the next quarter membership. So this is why you are getting lots of my rambling rambling going on. And I have been working on my craft room. Three trash bags of stuff out. two stops at goodwill. My craft room seems to be the catchall. Well the stuff is moving out!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Do you see it...
So if you are not seeing this area, you may be one of the few that I couldn't find a forum name for you. So email me with your order number and forum name and I will look into it.
Enough business. Congratulations to Sussann for winning the pay it forward. We'll keep an eye on her blog to see what the Pay it Forward is over there. Faith did post first, but the rules did state that you had to post a blog. Soooo that means the future ones I will post that you can Pay It Forward on my blog if you don't have your own. That should be interesting and lots of fun. Thanks to Heather for the awesome idea.
Well tomorrow is Thursday and that means I am not in the office so I will be getting files together and trying to iron out some details on the files I have in the works. YEahooo!! I have had a few creative bursts the last couple days. SO I am excited about that. Tonight is soccer practice so I better run.
Have a wonderful wonderful evening and of course
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Weekend and Pay It Forward
So taking it literallly.... My little one and his uncle and my hubby are "playing" indoor football on a patch of carpet my brother and his wife just purchased. It is rather large patch of carpet but either way it was the "field" for this man vs man vs child game. Which my bambino did a good job of trying to throw everyone down so he would win. But the cutest moment. My brother says... You are the quarterback. So my son says okay. And he puts his hand in his pocket, pulls it out empty but holding something imaginery. My hubby says... What's that?? He says.. It's my quarter and you can have it back. Silence. and then giggling had completely by all the men in the room. and my little boy grabbed the ball and ran it in for a touch down while everyone kept giggling. He is pretty smart after all as he did his touchdown dance! Love the moment. Love the life.
PS>>>> Pay it forward>>> I visited Heather's blog the other day. She offered an album for the first to post if they offered a pay it forward reward. I was first. total shockeroo. I never get to those things first. and I did wooohooo... So my Pay It Forward is the first person to post in the comments here I will give them my next Three files I upload to the store. I don't know what they will be or how they will work. But I'll email them to you. The only criteria.... you have to post your blog address in the comment here and you have to post a Pay It Forward on your blog to redeem the files. woohoo! I like this and might consider running it more often. Heather's Pay It Forward was some stamped images and the cutestttt little album. you should head over and check it out . I am super excited about the stamped images. I just cannot find any I like yet as much as I like the ones Heather comes up with. She definitely has a knack for picking the right stamp. Can't wait to see who posts and what their PIF is... and Enjoy!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
We made it to Friday. Woohoo!! Hope you have great plans for easter. Little seek and hide easter eggs, baskets galore etc... oh and those little cadbury eggs. hmmm.. I actually am not big on the candy in my son's basket. He gets enough from the grandparents. So I bought him one of the new Backyardigans DVDs. Some binoculars, little drink bottles with a cool core ( he will love putting these in the freezer) and a few little candies. I am looking forward to the jaunt to my brother's house. I can tell he and his wife are sooo looking forward to having a family holiday in their home. Should be a fun and busy weekend with a little driving involved, but this is fun to because my hubby and I chat about interesting things. Some of it business related and some of it house. Just depends on the mood.
So there is a little sale running at Paperthreads today to celebrate the anniversary of the forum. This is kinda cool. I love visiting the Paperthreads Forum. Also in the QMC thread we have started an ideas list for next quarter so I can copy it and keep it for next time around and work from it. If you have an idea.. please add it there. or you can email me of course. Also, the last word book letters were added. so make sure you get them and download them all as soon as you can because March 31st and that membership will be removed from the forum to make room for the new one.

Today is nice. I have all the windows open. My little one is playing in the sandbox outside. the laundry machine is running like a madman. I think I might get some time to cut some files out today and test run them. It is just a beautiful day! It would only be more perfect if my hubby was here to enjoy it and I could listen to him workin away on this fort. It is getting there. Just a few rails left and wahhhlaaahh. It will be an excellent pirate ship. I found this little pirate online last night and recolored him a little to print out on my sons party invites. He is cute so I thought I'd show you him.
Well have a wonderful day!!
Updated... PS. I posted on Heather's blog for the Pay It Forward challenge... I am trying to think of something fun to give as the prize. To check out the details her blog is here. And in the meantime I am off to think and keep an eye out for it coming up!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I uploaded the WPC version for the Word Book Letters 3 yesterday to the QMC. So please make sure you get it if you need it.
Not sure what kind of sale, but I will be having a sale on the 21st. Just a heads up when you see a few new files hit the store.
sorry so short today, but gotta run.
Monday, March 17, 2008
And this file is one of my Borders that Sussann also from my Creative Team sent me. This made me want to run out and cut it in a bunch of shades and then contact Heather about Rubber Stamping again (and drive her crazy) and make a bunch of cards. It still does. So I think this weekend I will cut some of these borders and make a bunch of cards with them if I can get a chance. Maybe Friday afternoon. Very nice and thank you for the inspiring shares!!
*** So now the big conundrum. I feel like it is time for a dirt cheap sale or a regular sale or something, so I am thinking on that. ** What to do??
How many days left in this quarter for the QMC? Not Many Not Many... Ready for the next one? I have a bunch of files in the works so it plans to be a productive quarter and 20 files minimum in 3 months, you'll have to check back often to make sure you get them all downloaded. I am excited!! 2nd Quarter Membership If you have more questions... try Here
On to life... So guess what?? You knew it??? I am assistant coach again for soccer. Luckily practices will be a little bit later in the day, but my son is excited!! The next few weekends are super busy with family events we have a confirmation and Easter this weekend, then a nephews baptism, then a nieces baby baptism (I am the godmother! Yeah), and then my little baby Bambino's birthday after that. woohoo! So he won't miss soccer for a bit I am sure. We will be heading to Phoenix to visit the family and have Easter at my brother's house. Will be a nice change of pace.
last night we celebrated St. Pat's day with the in-laws. It was a lot of fun and loving and warm family. We all ate and were merry and chatted. It was wonderful. Then we were invited to one of the cousins bday parties. A roller skating party. Should be fun. My hubby can skate like a crazyman. I have no balance with this load up front going on. So I am like the little bobble head dolls with my arms sticking straight out. trying to keep up. If we can make it, it will be the first time my little one has skated. Should be an interesting party for a cousin who I think is around 25 years old. Should be a lot of fun if he can get lots of family out there. The giggles in that family are contagious.
I better run. It's getting late and I have to finish up some things.
Have a wonderful day!
Friday, March 14, 2008
WOOHOO!! Almost friday night

Thursday, March 13, 2008

So today is Thursday wooohoo! I have a bunch of files to get completed. The download today is part of a beach wedding collection I was asked to put together. I will be sending it to the person who requested as soon as I get the whole thing converted. It may take me a while to do a request because I have a long list, but I do send them to the requestee. If I think I can load the file up in the store and won't fringe on copyright I will take on the request. So feel free to email me them.
So here are a few more shares of scrapbook pages I have been sent. I love them all.
These are from Cindy and they are phenomenal!! The top one uses one of my Playing in the leaves and leaf jumbles and if you look closely the picture on the left is framed with the cutaway piece from the jumble. Most would trash the edge and Cindy used it beautifully! The bottom one uses my Home for the Holidays file. I like thelayout with many pictures and the black and white. Thank you for sharing with us Cindy! Wonderful wonderful
This is Angie from the Creative Teams latest project. Wow! Love Angie's work. The file used of mine is the flourish in the middle (Damask Inspired 1). What a great accent. Thank you Angie. I love it.
Thank you to everyone for sharing. Great inspirational work.
On to life....
Yes my blog changes again. The one with the background just seems to drag. I would rather you have a easy viewing experience. Last night was our first trip to Chuckee-Cheese. My little one was thrilled. Took him a few times to get up the huge tunnel to the maze on the roof, but when he did he was soooo impressed with himself. WOOOHOO! I did it. We heard. We were chatting with the other soccer team parents and my little one ran over apparently he got confused in the maze of tubes and finally found his way out. I looked at those tubes and thought holy smokes if he froze up there, how would we get him out. Well he got himself out. We have a pretty phenomenal bambino. This weekend is our last before craziness time. We are out of town and in town and round about and then having a Pirate Birthday party for my little one. He has shown me the catalog with the pirate party items and is ready to have a bash! Should be fun.
I better run. lots of laundry and files to work on. ewww and dishes to :-)
Have a wonderful day!
PS. If you have clicked the download link and it says the link has been removed or is gone. It means the file has hit its download limit and you missed it. Look for another one next week. However, if you are part of the QMC. The file will be uploaded there til the end of the month and then the new quarter starts. EnjoY!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

these two with the animals are from my Day at the zoo Super Pack

And another one of my curly frames used, but put on the side. I love it. And if Michelle from Paperthreads is stopping by she will love the Dragonfly. She has been using the Dragonfly for forever on things. For me I am not into buggies, but I like its whimsical approach here. ( I prefer 1000 lb plus animals with hooves haha)
Monday, March 10, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008
Really not a wild weekend but an eventful. I am working on some files and will have another download next week so if your looking for that. It will be next week. Right now I am trying to find something to wear tonight when we go out and on Saturday for a wedding. It will be a casual wedding, but still want to look our best. The ceremony will be a "ten minute one" I was told. It doesn't matter. We are excited for the couple.
So today I am running the washing machine like a mad woman so I won't have to do any this weekend. Saturday we are booked all day from head to toe, but Sunday as it stands right now we have one potential engagement. Potential meaning will the need to watch Nascar, work on cutter files, spend time at home with just us three outway the potential of the engagement. Hmm we shall see.
I am researching the offerings of SVG or SCAL for the Cricut software. So hopefully I will be adding that to my repetoire of files. I looked into offering .eps files, but have been reassured over and over that the .ai files and .eps files are interchangeable for the mac users. So if you have anything to add to my internal SVG/SCAL debate, please email me and let me know.
My little one is going to see his Aunt and Uncle this evening. he is super excited. He hasn't been to their house a whole lot since the little baby girl came along and he is non to thrilled about the encroachment of his space. He even said we should have a baby girl (WE MEANING ME..::Rolling Eyes::) but then he followed up the suggestion with and the baby can live at Aunt Nannneeees house. My sisters name is Nancy but she has been forever tagged as Aunt Nanneeeesss. So we can have a baby and let it live with my sister. Oh I can see the pleasure in my sisters face when I tell her that situation :-) ha. She is probably reading this rolling her eyes right back at me. My Bambino likes to consider babies and other children, but is so happy to have our full attention. I am excited because he won't have our full attention tonight because we are going with some friends to an evening for dinner. It will be nice to be adults for the evening. Sooo nice.
Well I better go prepare an adult hairdo instead of the Mom twist it up in a twist tie hair do. Look for another download next week. And what do you think of the blog? it is coming around. Learning curve in full force to get it configured, but I am happy with the way it is shaping up.
Have a wonderful weekend and
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Well this is a Terms Restricted File Download Day. Wow That is a mouth full. But the file is governed by my TOUs.
FIRST let me say. If you have hit this link and it says the link has been removed or expired. It is because the download has hit its limit.
Second if you are part of the QMC. No worries I will be uploading it there shortly and you have until the end of the month to download.
Third the password to download here was sent to the yahoo group at the beginning of the week. So look in the history messages for it, if you do not have it.
And Fourth... HERE IS THE LINK... This is a simple file, but being a Mom I am in a creative Mom mode so I have a few files I am working on. The download link includes GSD, KNK, WPC, AI and a jpg file. My understanding is the Create & Cut Software can open the AI on a Macintosh computer. I hope this is true and I have offered it up correctly.
I looked at the calendar and realized in February my blog is a year old. A Year old. hard to imagine, but awesome. So I will be offering a few files to download to celebrate in the next few days. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and just been wonderful.
So my hubby took the kiddo to soccer practice. I checked a few emails while they were gone and then slept. I am feeling 90% back on par. I really think I got sick this time from stress. It does it to you stress stress stress. So we have a full day Saturday and I have decided Sunday will be our day at home. I am really trying to stick to one day a weekend is at home with horses, us, and the list of to dos. Last weekend my hubby put an automatic waterer on my flowers on the patio. Pretty fantastic. I went out this morning looked at the two flowers I bought and they are still perky. No guilt over how I forgot to water the night before. Simply fantastic. My husband is the best!
Oh Darn.. Just realized the horses are banging their feeders. I better run and feed. To bad they don't come with automatic feeders to. hahah. I am off. Have a wonderful day and Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Lori's Challenge ended. What a super hard judging. She asked me to be one of the 4 guest judges. Look for Lori's future challenges. I know she is looking to contact suppliers and come up with some excellent prizes.
Today we have soccer practice and my hubby is coming out to pick up the little one and take him. Wooohoo! So glad. I am a little under the weather and just want to curl up and sleep. I will be glad when the weather here doesnt do such drastic changes in one day. Everyone gets sick and sick and sick. Speaking of that I better go find the soccer clothes. And sneak a few of the cadbury mini eggs. The chocolate ones with the hard shell. yum yum.
I better run.
Monday, March 3, 2008
My Style, Bingo, and Creative Team Layouts
Bingo.. Michelle is running Bingo at Paperthreads this month.
And seriously I couldn't list all the prizes Michelle is offering because it is the stores third anniversary.
So you should just visit this page to see them all listed out. yowser!
Wish I could play..
Here is the thread to sign up
Also, within this thread we are postings Cruiser sightings. Those Cruising people that are supposed to be relaxing, but just cannnnnot keep away. Well we started tracking their appearances in the Bingo thread. It is alot of fun to catch the Cruisers checkin in!!!
I sent out a new password to the group and am working on some files to offer. The QMC members won't have to worry about this password. However, they will have to worry about missing next quarter. This is the last month in the first quarter. If you would like to reup so you don't miss anything. Here is the next quarters store item.
Today was the last day to enter in the Challenge over at Lori's Blog. What a creative challenge. You really had to think about it.
And this is from Sussann on the design team. Mahvelous layout! Full of inspiration. My hubby is down 26 lbs now since the beginning of the year and I am down 10 so far. So we shall see how it goes. I am much slower then he is, but I have cravings. Cravings for chocolate or salt or hmm.. just cravings. So basically I am trying to take it one step at a day. This file is Workin Out with Dumbbells. Congrats to Sussann's hubby!
And this is from Rosalie. Using my goal file. I have been told Rosalie is buried in Hockey pictures. So I am trying to help her out with some inspirational files!
And this from Vicki. One of the Curly Borders and Accents.Vicki always does great work.

Have a wonderful afternoon and evening!