So as you can tell I have been working on the curly frames. If you requested one of these frames I will be sending them to you in the next few days. These are the ones I have done. I am at my limit on requests for these so I won't be taking anymore. However, I will be offering a custom one in the store for surnames and offering all of the above and the others in the store. So if you made a request when I put out the call for them. You will be getting one. I am just working my way through them. If you like them, I am hoping they will make it up to the store in time for the Secret Sale.
Also, I will be posting a frame to the QMC I am taking a poll the choices are Love, Joy or Family. So vote in the poll and let me know which one should go in the QMC.
And then next... I put together my Holiday Super Bundle. It will be in the Secret Sale Dec 24th-Jan 1st. However, if you keep up on the "12 days after Christmas Blog Party" the designers at Paperthreads are throwing you will be able to get it for Super Cheap!!! So keep an eye out for that. There will be more info about it in the forum at Paperthreads and here as well.

If you decide to purchase a QMC membership, please be aware over the holidays myself and Michelle are spending time with our families and being added to the secion may be a little delayed. Thank you for your understanding.
Okay I have to run.. house full of people coming this evening to celebrate hubbies bday. I gotta run. MY HOUSE IS A MESS. ehhh.. but I got some files done... wooohoo!! Do you think they will understrand this? Probably not, but oh well. hahaha.
Those frames are beautiful Chris. I can't wait for the 12 days after Christmas Blog Party. Have fun at DH's BD party. Bet the little one is going to enjoy it. Thanks again.
Hi Chris-
I'm going to pick Love.. But I'm hoping the rest will go up for sale. They all rock!!
I love the Curly Frames. They are so beautiful. I will have to order a custom one from PaperThreads when they are available.
Have a very Merry Christmas with your wonderful family
These are all quite beautiful! I wish I could make beautiful files like you.
I made something last night using one of your files, so will share it with you today. I will e-mail it to you!
I like the Love frame........Thanks........oh, wonderful work as usual. merry Christmas
Patti Airel
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