Hello to everyone I am back. What a wonderful weekend lots and lots of fun. I didn't lay one card down or one penny down in a machine, but did spend a few pennies on new boots, ropes, paintings and more. I love the Cowboy Christmas Conventions they have. There are three different ones. We stayed at the Mandalay Bay and had a wonderful time. We actually left Wednesday night and thought we would drive as far as we could. Well we were driving down the strip at 10:30 Vegas time Wednesday night. I called the Mandalay and asked if they had an extra room for the night so we could just get there. and they said yes. I asked just to make sure there wasn't a to late time to check in. We may be there late will that be okay. The lady got silent and then very calmly said. ... "This is Vegas Mam" All right then I said okay well then we'll see you tonight. I felt like a dork.
A Super Holiday Bundle.... I have gotten about 10 emails asking me if I am going to do one. I will probably, but I think it will be in January. Today is my hubbies bday and Christmas is one week away and I have nada for holiday gifts unfortunately. So I am trying to create a bit, but wow! Where did the month of december go. I have so many ideas and my brain is a going. But I probably won't have very many uploads to the store during the rest of the month. I just have to enjoy the moments with my hubby and son for the holidays.

Next on my many email list...... WPC files. how I create them? Can I you use them with the Pazzles machine, WPC-Sign, Funtime Scrapbooking. Yes Yes and Yes. I export all my files to WPC format to give you the ability to use my files. Yes I could save files as a WPC but this will not make those files available to some users of the WinPC software. Therefor I export them in Version 14 format to WPC and they should open within all WinPC program versions. I am posting this here because I have read some really worried and upset visitor emails about WPC and all the confusion. I do whatever I can to get those files in the most useable formats. If you
would like your files to be widely useable for others I would read this tutorial created by Lori at Paperthreads, Our WinPC guru. HERE is the link to it at the forum at Paperthreads. Also, remember that when downloading WPC version from my QMC area that you have to unzip those files. And if you can't open WPC files by doubleclicking on them. Consider opening your Version of WinPC whether it be Funtime, Scrap Savvy or any other... and open the file from within the program. I hope this helps many. If you have any other questions, please please let me know. You can email me HERE.

My next thought is make sure you have signed up for the Paperthreads Newsletter. Lots of Freebie included. I believe you can get to the sign up from the main Paperthreads website. http://www.paperthreads.com/ You can also review the old one to see how awesome it is.
QMC members... I am a coming with some new files. Don't worry. It is just the holiday that has me slow.

And I will be downloading the pictures from the camera of our trip and will post a few. We got to attend the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo and my little boy was on the edge of his seat the whole time. He was whooping and hollering for the cowboys. It was awesome!!!
On the left side of my blog are a few of my files already in the store at Paperthreads.
Welcome back, it sounds like you had a lot of fun. That is wonderful!
Glad you had a wonderful weekend. Enjoy you time with the family. The little bambino will grow up fast. We will always be here.
Welcome back - sounds like you really have your holiday hustle and bustle cut out for you!
Welcome Home from Vegas! I would have asked all the same questions you did for the Hotel. I've never been to Vegas, so better to ask than to assume. You know what they say about that...
I can testify for Chris's Sliegh File. It was easy to use and put together!
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