My hubby is home. Thank goodness. for now I am going to sit on the couch with him and enjoy! Could be my best new year's eve ever. just bringing him home. Thank you to everyone for their prayers.
Please join me at my new site... . This site is no longer active. Offerings are all posted at my new site. Thank you for stopping by! ~Chris
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Prayer after Prayer
I feel like I have just requested prayer after prayer this year. If you have anymore to send my way. My husband is in the hospital tonight and will be having an angiogram tomorrow. I am praying for the best possible results. I will be out of touch for a few days and very slow to respond to any requests/emails or memberships. I will do my best to keep up when I do have access for a few moments.
Thank you for your understanding as always
Thank you for your understanding as always
Saturday, December 29, 2007
It's Here It's Here!! The Party is Here!!
The Blog Party is here at my little spot on the web today. So thanks for stopping by. My deal is the Holiday Bundle for $4.99 that is over 60% off the 13.99. All today until Midnight EST. The code is CD_12Days_xdwe When you are there all my files are on sale for 40% off, but after you enter the code it will change the price on that item. HERE IS THE LINK TO IT AT PAPERTHREADS.
Also because I was working on some things and had this prepared. My Steal is... The first 100 people or so to visit my blog get to download this new Valentine Doily file. The password is iagreetou1229 This file will be uploaded to the QMC membership for all those members. So if you missed it. It will be there shortly and you have until March to download it. HERE IS THE LINK FOR THE DOWNLOAD. This link was removed after over 100 people downloaded it.
Thank you to all of those who have emailed me regarding the Visually Creative Team. I will keep taking emails until Wednesday. And then get moving on it all. I have gotten some beautiful project shots. Thank you to everyone right away who is thinking about participating.
So this file isn't in the store yet, but is coming soon. I just had to share because I think they came out cute!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and Enjoy!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
This Girl Can Ramble ....

So here are some of the new ones I uploaded to the "hopper" at Paperthreads in hopes they make it to the store for the Secret Sale. They are on the left.
I am ready to get past the holiday season and into the New Year. This past year has had some incredible lows for me and my family, but at the same time some phenomenal highs. I have alot of new friends because of this blog which I started in February of last year and a very enjoyable way to help support my family by selling files at Paperthreads.
I have to take a moment to Thank all of you that visit my blog regularly throughout all the changes it has gone through. And for those who have hung in with me. And also to those who send me little emails with stories about their families and their lives because you feel like you are a part of mine through this blog. Thank you to everyone for being a part of my blog.

QMC members - I uploaded the Family frame to the QMC section HERE. It was the winner of our pole and is now there for everyone to see.
The 12 days after Christmas... for those stopping by to see the deal. It is the awesome lady with the cutest Puppppy you have ever seen. SOOOO Cute! Keep an eye out for my day because I will have a Cheap Cheap deal and a steal. So don't miss it. Here is the forum thread with the info.
For those who requested these frames above I will be sending them to you in your email.

Nikki Maxfield. Could you please email me. I am getting bounce messages from your email box. I just realized.Thanks mucho.
Creative Team - I have decided after talking to a few to start a creative team for Visual Designs by Chris files. The commitment will be one project per month. The opportunities include preview files and the files you work with for a project will be given to you to work with. I have a few people seated on this Team already and have a few more spots. If you are interested, please send me 3 project pics and an email with a little bit about yourself. I am going to limit this to a certain number of people because I want to be able to work with everyone. If you have sent me projects in the past just let me know and I will look through my folder for them. I keep them all. (When I need a creative boost, I peruse them) There are some limitations as to who I can have, but we can discuss that in email rather then here. And I will probably do it by familiarity and first response. There will probably be openings in the future as well when some decide to focus on other parts

My camera battery is dead, but I can tell you some of the gingerbread story. Much like my friend Lori the glueing process to stick it together with powdered sugar and water was an experience. I sat with my hands in a great contortion holding it all together waiting for it to dry. I finally had to go do things and let go and the roof slowly slid off. So I stacked Marshmallows inside to hold the walls up and left the rest for my hubby to work on. So he and my son put the rest of it together and decorated it. There is a marshmallow for a smoke stack and a hugs hersheys kiss for on top of it. It came out super cute. Two green macaroons made trees in the front yard. and the pictures will come tomorrow.
Seeing my son Christmas morning was awesome. Our bedroom is at the end of the hall. So being the worry wart parents we are. He still has a monitor in his room at 3. So we could hear him move around slowly and the more then we heard him jump up. So I stood at the doorway of our room and he came out of his room and ran for the Christmas tree. I followed behind him and sat down on the floor next to his presents so I could see his face. The biggest opened mouth you could ever see. It was fantastic. FOR ME he said almost in a whisper. I said yes it is because you are such a wonderful boy you made the "nice list". He jumped on his mechanical backhoe and started digging at the carpet and having a blast. It was awesome. Some of the other moments included the look on his face when he opened another gift. He opened his eyes look at me and said in a whisper... "I cannot believe it". This made grin from ear to ear. He gave everyone hugs and he said THANK YOU VERY MUCH lots and lots. My mom got him a knight's outfit it was one of the last presents of the night and I think he has only taken it off to sleep or eat. He loves to play dressup.

Thank you Heather for the Holiday Card. I don't know how you do it, but it was beautiful and humorous all at the same time. Wonderful!!
Also, I got a few picture projects in the email over the weekend I will post them in the next couple days. They are awesome!!
Well can I ramble. ... I absolutely Can. I better run!! Gotta feed those horses.
Enjoy! Again

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
12 days after Christmas Party & New Year's Resolutions Anyone?

I am creating away and working away and trying to think where will I put all of my sons new toys. Thank gooooodness I took the time to clean out his room part way a few months back because we have some serious rearranging going to be happening today. He is so excited for all his toys. he seems to have forgotten that I am here while he plays with them. Well clothes are usually the dreaded child gift, but my son only go two shirts and a pair of pants. Means there will be slim pickings for summer clothes. hahaha.. I seriously need to consider taking them to a second hand kid stores. I have heard this is good and bad. So maybe I will give it a shot.
Okay and New Year's Resolutions...
One ... is to find a way to limit spam in my email box. Somehow.

Two... organize my weeks a bit better
Three... This is my year for fitness (If I didnt have a fitness resolution I would feel sooo lost)
Four ... Clean out the craft room. And narrow the supplies to those I really enjoy doing. (Luckily I have given myself a year to do this!)
Five... Get back on track with the birthday cards. Anyone have a suggestion for birthday websites that will remind you when who why where what?
So have you got any interesting and new ones?
I better go survey the rooms and see how to rearrange. Also, tomorrow I will post my rendition of a gingerbread house for a blog. Welll. lets say my hubby and sons. My friend Lori had an interesting story about one. Ours was in the works still when she and her hubby were working on theirs. So our end result will be shown tomorrow.
Also, I am working on uploads over the next few days. So hopefully they will make the store for the secret sale. so keep your eye out.
PS the files on the left were put together for a special project. They won't be available for a bit in the store. But I thought they were cute So I wanted to share it with you.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Lots of items coming to the store!!! and 12 days after Christmas

So as you can tell I have been working on the curly frames. If you requested one of these frames I will be sending them to you in the next few days. These are the ones I have done. I am at my limit on requests for these so I won't be taking anymore. However, I will be offering a custom one in the store for surnames and offering all of the above and the others in the store. So if you made a request when I put out the call for them. You will be getting one. I am just working my way through them. If you like them, I am hoping they will make it up to the store in time for the Secret Sale.
Also, I will be posting a frame to the QMC I am taking a poll the choices are Love, Joy or Family. So vote in the poll and let me know which one should go in the QMC.
And then next... I put together my Holiday Super Bundle. It will be in the Secret Sale Dec 24th-Jan 1st. However, if you keep up on the "12 days after Christmas Blog Party" the designers at Paperthreads are throwing you will be able to get it for Super Cheap!!! So keep an eye out for that. There will be more info about it in the forum at Paperthreads and here as well.

If you decide to purchase a QMC membership, please be aware over the holidays myself and Michelle are spending time with our families and being added to the secion may be a little delayed. Thank you for your understanding.
Okay I have to run.. house full of people coming this evening to celebrate hubbies bday. I gotta run. MY HOUSE IS A MESS. ehhh.. but I got some files done... wooohoo!! Do you think they will understrand this? Probably not, but oh well. hahaha.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Almost there... we're gonna make it..
So here we are a few days from Christmas. I am headed to the store to do the last few items pickup and then home. Tomorrow we have friends coming over for my Hubbie's birthday party and Sunday to ride the horse and then I will have Christmas eve to finish up the home made gifts. I think I will make it. Woohoo!!! If not, no biggy. The best will be going to church on Christmas Eve singing the hymns at mass and at the end of mass Santa comes and waves to the kids. My son is counting down the days on the calendar to Baby Jesus's Birthday. I am looking forward to the family time. Hopefully I will get some good pictures of the projects I am working on. Well I better run. I leave you with this giggly image from You Tube. My sister in law sent me one with a little boy called the Best Paper Shredder Ever. But I couldn't find it on YouTube. So in looking this one just made me giggle. So I had to share.
Also.. working on Matte Frames with all the words sent in. I have a bunch done.
Oh and if you missed signing up for the newsletter. The link for it is HERE The freebies are still there so get them while you can.
Secret Sale Dec. 24th-Jan. 1st
Also.. working on Matte Frames with all the words sent in. I have a bunch done.
Oh and if you missed signing up for the newsletter. The link for it is HERE The freebies are still there so get them while you can.
Secret Sale Dec. 24th-Jan. 1st
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A few pics from our trip

Here are some pictures from the Vegas trip.
One is of a friend of ours with my son. My hubby and I were the Best Man and Maid of Honor it was a very nice wedding. And I got to walk down the aisle with my hubby again. Which was very mushy for me. I a mush ball. Totally in love.
One is from the NFR my son was to busy watching and couldnt look at the camera
and the other is just my son in full cowboy gear. 6 shooters and all. He got tired of saying Hi to people who wanted to talk to him. I told him he could just tip his hat. I don't know if that was better or worse. but he took to tippin his hat at those who said Hi and smiling. If you notice he even decide he should wear his spurs. Love him.
I am off to help with the Christmas Cookies.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
And now on to Christmas .. Holy Smokes 7 days.

Hello to everyone I am back. What a wonderful weekend lots and lots of fun. I didn't lay one card down or one penny down in a machine, but did spend a few pennies on new boots, ropes, paintings and more. I love the Cowboy Christmas Conventions they have. There are three different ones. We stayed at the Mandalay Bay and had a wonderful time. We actually left Wednesday night and thought we would drive as far as we could. Well we were driving down the strip at 10:30 Vegas time Wednesday night. I called the Mandalay and asked if they had an extra room for the night so we could just get there. and they said yes. I asked just to make sure there wasn't a to late time to check in. We may be there late will that be okay. The lady got silent and then very calmly said. ... "This is Vegas Mam" All right then I said okay well then we'll see you tonight. I felt like a dork.
A Super Holiday Bundle.... I have gotten about 10 emails asking me if I am going to do one. I will probably, but I think it will be in January. Today is my hubbies bday and Christmas is one week away and I have nada for holiday gifts unfortunately. So I am trying to create a bit, but wow! Where did the month of december go. I have so many ideas and my brain is a going. But I probably won't have very many uploads to the store during the rest of the month. I just have to enjoy the moments with my hubby and son for the holidays.

Next on my many email list...... WPC files. how I create them? Can I you use them with the Pazzles machine, WPC-Sign, Funtime Scrapbooking. Yes Yes and Yes. I export all my files to WPC format to give you the ability to use my files. Yes I could save files as a WPC but this will not make those files available to some users of the WinPC software. Therefor I export them in Version 14 format to WPC and they should open within all WinPC program versions. I am posting this here because I have read some really worried and upset visitor emails about WPC and all the confusion. I do whatever I can to get those files in the most useable formats. If you
would like your files to be widely useable for others I would read this tutorial created by Lori at Paperthreads, Our WinPC guru. HERE is the link to it at the forum at Paperthreads. Also, remember that when downloading WPC version from my QMC area that you have to unzip those files. And if you can't open WPC files by doubleclicking on them. Consider opening your Version of WinPC whether it be Funtime, Scrap Savvy or any other... and open the file from within the program. I hope this helps many. If you have any other questions, please please let me know. You can email me HERE.

My next thought is make sure you have signed up for the Paperthreads Newsletter. Lots of Freebie included. I believe you can get to the sign up from the main Paperthreads website. You can also review the old one to see how awesome it is.
QMC members... I am a coming with some new files. Don't worry. It is just the holiday that has me slow.

And I will be downloading the pictures from the camera of our trip and will post a few. We got to attend the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo and my little boy was on the edge of his seat the whole time. He was whooping and hollering for the cowboys. It was awesome!!!
On the left side of my blog are a few of my files already in the store at Paperthreads.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Viva Las Vegas!!
Okay Folks.. I have tried to catch up with almost all my emails and it isn't going to happen 'til I get back.
So I wanted to say Hey! If you are stopping by, I'll be back on Monday! I have got to get the Mobile Blogging thing figured out. That would be fun. Maybe I will see if I can do that. Well if you don't see a change here til Monday you know I couldnt get it to work.
Sooooo I am off to Vegas tomorrow for the weekend and to see the NFR. Wooohoo!!
Have a wonderful weekend yourself and create create create!
So I wanted to say Hey! If you are stopping by, I'll be back on Monday! I have got to get the Mobile Blogging thing figured out. That would be fun. Maybe I will see if I can do that. Well if you don't see a change here til Monday you know I couldnt get it to work.
Sooooo I am off to Vegas tomorrow for the weekend and to see the NFR. Wooohoo!!
Have a wonderful weekend yourself and create create create!
A Moth of Fun....

Is it really a break when you decide to do a ton of other things instead of what you normally do? Probably not, but no biggy. I am having fun. I decided to fill in my yearly scrapbooking with a few digital pages. Most know that I create hybrid pages. Digital backgrounds and accents on top. Gives me the time to put things together and then add that perfect touch to the top. Like icing on the cake. So some of the elements on this page are from Tracy Sims, the paper I created. I think I will put a flower over the top of the one in the digital ones and maybe take out the butterfly and add a butterfly die cut with glitter kinda thing.
So this was my Bambino just so excited over a moth in a lampshade. I captured his smiles and a few relatives coming over to check to see what was soooo amusing. It is kinda a jumble of pictures, but I couldn't leave out a one.
Today is the get it done, pack it up and finish it day before we head to Las Vegas. So I have to make sure the horse sitter and dog sitters are in line. That people have the keys they need. I need to go get my truck washed and vaccuumed out also. Last night I took all the papers and things that accumulate out of the truck and put them in a plastic bag and took them out of the truck. Wew. So much can accumulate in them. I just thought I would come up with a fresh start. And then pack. I have to pack pack pack. ugh. I hate to pack. I don't do it well. I should sit down and make a list and stick to it, but I just keep adding in case. We will have limited space in the truck so I have to get it slim down a bit. Plus a bridesmaids dress, my friend is getting married. Oh lovely... just remembered that I still need to sew the hem up on the dress. So off I go so I can get moving. Have a mahvelous day!!!
Be Safe, Be Warm and
Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday Monday Monday. and then Vegas Baby!!
Well It's Monday. What a great weekend! I love seeing my Dad. But now I am in the rush to prepare to leave on Wednesday for Vegas. I was able to check my email a bit this weekend, but I will be unplugged this coming weekend so I have until Tuesday night and then won't be back til Monday a.m. If you need something quick email me or I will get to it as soon as I get back.
This past weekend we spent lots of time hanging out together as family. My bambino got his kitchen with a grill and he loves it. We had to go on Sunday and buy more plastic food for it. My son is a cooking crazy man. He also received a Fireman Costume. So in between he has the Fireman jacket on and the Chefs hat. So he is busy busy. It was nice because he got about 5 or 6 gifts and he can play with them now before Christmas. He can be overwhelmed at times with tons and tons of things. Overstimulization. So having a few at a time was good.
Well I can't think... I have so much running through my head and a ton of emails to catch up on so I better run. I just wanted everyone to know I was still alive!
Have a wonderful day!
This past weekend we spent lots of time hanging out together as family. My bambino got his kitchen with a grill and he loves it. We had to go on Sunday and buy more plastic food for it. My son is a cooking crazy man. He also received a Fireman Costume. So in between he has the Fireman jacket on and the Chefs hat. So he is busy busy. It was nice because he got about 5 or 6 gifts and he can play with them now before Christmas. He can be overwhelmed at times with tons and tons of things. Overstimulization. So having a few at a time was good.
Well I can't think... I have so much running through my head and a ton of emails to catch up on so I better run. I just wanted everyone to know I was still alive!
Have a wonderful day!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
A quick stop in... Die Cuts of my designs, Autumn Beauty by Rosalie
A real quick stop in...
Hello to all. My Dad is here and today is the day we have "Christmas Morning". I am waiting for my brother and his wife to wake up so we can all get showered and head to my sisters. My Dad got my son a kids kitchen. My Son knows it is there because he went with Grandpa to pick it out, but he is anxious to get it out of the box. So this should be fun. Apparently, my little boy gets beat out for the kitchen every day at school. They have centers and there are only 5 kids to a center at a time. So he wanted his own. I figure he may be the next best chef of the world. So lets get it for him. Of course for the more manly testasterone approach it has a grill on one side and a kitchen on the flipside. :) This will be a perfect accompaniement (sp?) to his fort in March when it is warm enough to be outside regularly again.
A few things...
Have you seen this layout
From Rosalie over at Paperthreads she is on the Creative Design Team there!! Woohoo!
I don't have the large photo version to post here. If Rosalie is stopping by my blog maybe she can EMAIL it to me and I will post it here. I love the way the leaves and the paper and the Autumn Beauty Jumble are cut to out and the papers all match so well together. Thank you Rosalie for such a great project.
In other news... Have you heard of a Scrapbook Whimsy?? Well Wendy over at Scrapbook Whimsy has become the first retail spot for purchasing my files already diecut. So if you don't have time to run your cutter or have hit upon my blog and don't own a cutter, but want one of my diecuts Wendy is the first one with a Commercial License to retail the diecuts. Here is her beautiful store site! Thanks for participating Wendy and congrats on your storefront. I will be working on getting her link up on my main website as well. Thank you to those who have seen my diecuts for sale on her website already and were concerend and emailed me. I so appreciate the support and everyone watching out forme. She is selling the actual cut piece of my file and not the digital file. My digital files are not for sale anywhere other than Paperthreads. If you see my digital files posted anywhere else, always feel free to let me know. I appreciate my visitors always. If you are interested in the Commercial Policy it is HERE.
Okay so I have about 220 emails to respond to from the last few days. So if you sent me an email I will be getting back to them as soon as I can. I just wanted to stop in real quick and say Hi before I head to my sisters and spend more time with Dad and then next weekend is Vegas woohoo!! So I will try to catch up with them all before I go.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Hello to all. My Dad is here and today is the day we have "Christmas Morning". I am waiting for my brother and his wife to wake up so we can all get showered and head to my sisters. My Dad got my son a kids kitchen. My Son knows it is there because he went with Grandpa to pick it out, but he is anxious to get it out of the box. So this should be fun. Apparently, my little boy gets beat out for the kitchen every day at school. They have centers and there are only 5 kids to a center at a time. So he wanted his own. I figure he may be the next best chef of the world. So lets get it for him. Of course for the more manly testasterone approach it has a grill on one side and a kitchen on the flipside. :) This will be a perfect accompaniement (sp?) to his fort in March when it is warm enough to be outside regularly again.
A few things...
Have you seen this layout
From Rosalie over at Paperthreads she is on the Creative Design Team there!! Woohoo!
I don't have the large photo version to post here. If Rosalie is stopping by my blog maybe she can EMAIL it to me and I will post it here. I love the way the leaves and the paper and the Autumn Beauty Jumble are cut to out and the papers all match so well together. Thank you Rosalie for such a great project.
In other news... Have you heard of a Scrapbook Whimsy?? Well Wendy over at Scrapbook Whimsy has become the first retail spot for purchasing my files already diecut. So if you don't have time to run your cutter or have hit upon my blog and don't own a cutter, but want one of my diecuts Wendy is the first one with a Commercial License to retail the diecuts. Here is her beautiful store site! Thanks for participating Wendy and congrats on your storefront. I will be working on getting her link up on my main website as well. Thank you to those who have seen my diecuts for sale on her website already and were concerend and emailed me. I so appreciate the support and everyone watching out forme. She is selling the actual cut piece of my file and not the digital file. My digital files are not for sale anywhere other than Paperthreads. If you see my digital files posted anywhere else, always feel free to let me know. I appreciate my visitors always. If you are interested in the Commercial Policy it is HERE.
Okay so I have about 220 emails to respond to from the last few days. So if you sent me an email I will be getting back to them as soon as I can. I just wanted to stop in real quick and say Hi before I head to my sisters and spend more time with Dad and then next weekend is Vegas woohoo!! So I will try to catch up with them all before I go.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tippin Santa... and this weekend

Look at this cute Santa.. I saw this at the Gallery at Paperthreads by Karen and I love it. Super cute. So I asked Karen to send it over so I can post it here as well. Thank you Karen. My hubby saw all the silver and liked the extra touch of "snow". Thank you again for sharing with me.
From now til Monday my Dad will be here. I will be super limited in my email and keeping up because I see him about 10 days out of every year and try to spend as much time with him as possible. And I split my time with my siblings and their kiddos also. So if you email and I don't respond right away. I will get to you. The left side of my blog has all the links for Where you can find me? If you are asking about the QMC. I always ask for your order number and login name. So if you send those in your first email it saves one extra step.
And as for now. I am off to clean a bathroom and get us dressed to head to the airport. Woohoo!! I can't wait.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Heroes Among Us.. Visiting with Santa

So what a weekend. We got so much done, but there is still so much to do before my Dad visits. Sunday we had a board meeting for our association those are always so so so interesting. But then after that we went to the mall and saw Santa. My bumpkin was pretty excited because Santa had a huge S belt buckle. He decided to go in cowboy gear because that is what Dad was in and man what a smile we captured. Love it Love it!!
And I have one frame done for the five and I am working away on the others. I think I am going to offer this as a custom file in the store for those who might want their last name in it. I just thought I would share this one with you.

Well my Dad will be here Wednesday and I have a list as long as my arm to get it done. So I better run. Hope you had an awesome weekend!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Personalized Gifts..... love em.
Well we are taking a break from the
cleaning before putting up holiday decorations. Wew! So I thought I would post a few things. I have received my list of 5 for the frames. Thank you to those who sent them over. I will get to working on them. One or two will hit the QMC. I will email those who sent in title ideas to them specifically and the rest will go up in the store. Here are a few files that hit store in the last two days. They were fun to make, but I wasn't to into the holiday files for some reason. Probably because so much is going on.

Everyone liked the Family frame so that is awesome. Wasn't sure how it would go over since it isn't a holiday file. So glad everyone liked it.
Also, many have requested some info... the mugs I am ordering are coming from the website below. The ladies name is Carrie and unfortunately we (being my siblings and I ) are under a time crunch and waited til the last minute and she emailed me quickly last night and said she would get them out right away. And I so appreciate customer help over the holiday season. So that is fantastic. I can't wait to see them and I hope they come out well. Here is her Link. I have no financial interest in her site, just like to pass on customer oriented businesses to others who may need them. And it is called Marvelous Mugs. I LOVEDDD that she had a design your own setting .Usually you have to give them one picture to put on the mug. So hopefully my collage of pictures will be a crowd pleaser... WHY DO I HOPE? Because I ended up ordering one for the hubby and others as well. Can't wait Can't wait. Okay I love to holiday shop. I love to give gifts that I have thought about and worked on. It makes me feel awesome. Personalized.
It is Saturday.. I am rambling.. and I need to go cut 23 stockings out of paper and 23 preschool kids names and the like. Put up a tree, make bread, finish laundry, go to a homeowners assoc meeting, go to church... and more.. Wew! So I better run!
Have a wonderful Saturday and Enjoy!
PS Those who sent me your frame words.... some didn't send the file type they need. I will not be posting these to everyone. I will be sending them to the requestee. Please make sure you sent me your file type. Thanks mucho!!
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