Please join me at my new site... . This site is no longer active. Offerings are all posted at my new site. Thank you for stopping by! ~Chris
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wow Wednesday already.. that means tomorrow is the start..
Wooohooo!!! Should be a fun Party!! Tons and Tons of Giveaways.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Hello to Monday...
I know the designers are preparing to for their giveaways as am I. So this will be a short and sweet post reminding you to join the forum and get logged in and post a few times so you are ready for drawings and giveaways.
Also a little tip from me to you... Visit the forum thread about the anniversary overview and you will start to see little details pop up so you can be ready and prepared. I am really impressed with all the giveaways and prizes we have come up with!!
A little on life.. My MIL is still holding her own. We are still lifting her spirits up with prayer. We look forward to some progress over the next few days. Lots of love and family around. that's it for now.
Have a wonderful day!
Chris Durnan, designer at
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
an update...
Friday, September 25, 2009
No Boring Die Cuts...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
the 8th QMC has hit the store... on special for a short time.

Different this time around I will be offering 6 file types instead of 5 for every file.
Have a wonderful day!
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Oh the animals... But first Happy Celebration..

And on to Freckles.. She looks like Astro from the jetsons. I told my hubby this and officially I dated myself. haha.

And you would think I could get it off of her right here but she only let me take her picture and then would run off. My boys are in the house getting ready to go. I wish I had had a camera for the jump it was a huge jump in the air and when she hooked it she spun around like where did it go then did this weird jump happy dog dance and ran around faster then can be. It was fun!

And on Sunday. We saw this guy trying to cross the road. So we stopped and put him back on the side of the road. So he wouldn't get hit. He probably thought "DAMN now I have to walk all that way again", but with the traffic on that road on the weekends he woulda never made it. So seldom do we see the desert tortoises. I have seen pet turtles out in the desert and the neighbor down the road had an abandoned boa constrictor in her horse barn once. When you live on a dirt road lots of folks think you can drop things off because you dont want to take care of them anymore. It is very sad.

Well that is animal kingdom for us last weekend without the riding horses included. Hope you enjoy my random family life stories and more.
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Back to Monday! some weekend crafts.
First on Friday we had parent teacher conferences... It went really well. My sons teacher was very positive and kept saying he has achieved this and mastered this and is mastering this and needs to master this. and a few other things... so we walked out and my son says to my hubby and I "Did you hear that??? I am a master!" and my hubby and I giggle at eachother while he walks between us both in hand and grinning from ear to ear. We know that truly for some that would be the end of it, but we know my son is a Star Wars junky and for him to "master" something is truly a light saber moment. too cute. But he is doing well and listens to the teacher and conducts himself well in school. So it was a great start to the weekend.
Then we went ranch sorting on Friday night and Saturday a.m. did some cutting practice. I got to ride and hold herd at the cutting practice so that was lots of fun! I fit the "pit crew" description on Friday nights when my guys are going every which way. So getting to ride and not worry about it was fun. Friday night my hubby did awesome. He is so much fun to watch! A friend of ours came to watch and is interested in giving it a try as well. Pretty awesome.
Then Saturday noonish we came home and veg'ed we watched an online horse auction and the horses we picked as the best of the group went for a pretty penny. So very nice to watch the auction in air conditioning tho'. I think my son was thinking we were nutz, but he got over it. Then he and Dad ran to the store and came back with some steaks for the grill. (love my hubby) He cooked them up and we watched a movie. not one I would normally pick but just silly called Surfer Dude with Matthew McConaughee.. is that how it is spelled? I am not sure.. but either way.. It was a good no brainer... literally no brainer movie.. that my hubby and I veg'ed on the couch together some more.
Before the movie I had time to do a few crafts. Carmen who is a member of our forum posted some pictures of a pumpkin she decorated on her facebook page and I really liked it. So I got a few of those carveable pumpkins from Michaels. And saved mine for another day this week to do. so I could work on one with my kiddo. My son helped me cut the Happy halloween vinyl and put the glittery foam stickers I had bought all over the pumpkin. It was a fun and easy project for him to do. And his Grandma was very happy. I think it lifted her spirits and he was proud to have it for her. We picked up this Angel for Grandma's collection about a month ago at Hobby Lobby. I love it. I told my hubby if he didn't take it to her this weekend I was gonna kidnap it permanently. So we took it to her. She is holding a pumpkin, but I think will make it through thanksgiving.

I thought he did a pretty good job. I had to peel and stick the words, but he had fun putting on the vinyl. We have enough glitter stickers left for another project if anyone has any ideas. I thought cards, but I am not sure that will go over well with the kiddo, but maybe we'll make a few and work on our letters while we write out the envelopes for mailing.

I am gonna save those pictures of the crazy animals in our life and birthday party pictures we went to for later in the week. So have a wonderful rest of the week and until tomorrow...
GSD KNK WPC AI SVG SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
Freebie downloads in our forum.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
So much going on today... Grab your favorite drink and have a seat....
I have quite a list of items I am working on so here we go. I'll just list a few for now ....
First the Challenge for last week is over. I have put the names in the random generator for the winning participatant in our NEW weekly challenge at the forum and will announce that person hopefully by the end of tonight (like the title says. lots and lots going on here.. haha) Okay and so when you head over there the next thing to do is... Look at this weeks challenge by Tina. It has something to do with this picture below... you can find the details HERE.
And YES the next Membership is coming to the store. probably sometime next week. I already have had lots of requests and searches for it. So it is a coming. WOOHOO!!
3rd on to life..
Hey so you know I am always into something new and different. So here is my latest. I have a neighbor who does 4H and raises other animals for it and she also has a Tilapia tank. Which she harvests and they have fresh fish. well she called me a week or so ago and said ya know. you seemed interested and I have a ton of teeny baby fish do you want some. I of course chatted with the hubby and said sure. I know he thinks I am crazy, but I, also, think he thinks it's neat and I know this is why he loves me. So here are some pictures of my fish tank with little teeny Tilapia that will live there til next spring when they will go out in the big tank. Gives me time to find a pump and some other items. They are really cool to sit and watch because they just zoom around the tank in bunches. And there are definitely different sizes. hopefully you can see the little white blurs. Well that is my new adventure. My kiddo is excited to have a big tank like the neighbor and thinks my fish tank looks like a beach. He now wants his to look like the beach to. very cute! Love that kid and the hubby for letting me try new and crazy things. My Dad told me when I talked to him that one day I'll be old and gray and my son will say "Remember that time you decided you were gonna be a Tilapia farmer. " hahaha. My Dad has been pretty nostalgic when I talk to him lately. Very cute.
I better get back to it. A ton to do before the weekend. Hope your ready for a great weekend! I know I am .
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Challenges due today and Coughs Coughs!
Another weekly challenge will be posted if you want to see what is coming up! keep an eye on our challenge section of the forum.
And next I wonder how much I am gonna get done today. My kiddo had me up almost all night checking on him. He has a very croupy cough, but I also think he has a mild fever. ugh. So he is home today with me. And because of this I am sitting here with a clipon tie on my shirt because I was told if I am gonna be working I should be wearing work clothes. Alas, I don't think it match my tshirt, but whatever works. I am off to look for some cold medicine and breakfast for my guy.
Have a wonderful day!
Chris Durnan, designer at
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
just some yada yada
I also had to switch around the schedule in the afternoons. Doing homework was getting to late and there were so many distractions. So we switched it up to earlier in the afternoon and when my kiddo is done he can play. Today it worked pretty well. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
I am working on the last files for this QMC and then we will be moving on to the 1 year anniversary party! Cannot wait. Lots in store for everyone.
I better run. I need to check on a few things and try to finish up some of these files.
Have a wonderful day!
Chris Durnan, designer at
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The weekend and things that might interest you...
This past weekend we went to the Pima County Fairgrounds for an open class horse show. put on by the SAAHA. Southern Arizona Arabian Horse Association. We have quarter horses ourselves, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to see some work being done on beautiful horses. and because it was open class there were a few quarter horses there as well. We went to watch Punk Carter. Punk Carter is a past National Cutting Horse Association President and excellent trainer and cutting competitor. So impressive to see him working his horse in the arena. It was one of those typical will it or won't it rain in Arizona nights. Well it did decide to rain. So being the Arizonans who are horse devotees, we got off the metal bleachers and continued to watch and chat and pick the brains of Punk Carter. There are about twenty or so of us just chatting in a close circle with the rain coming down. Not in buckets at first but we were getting a little wet and there is a lull in the conversation and my son says... You wanna know what?? we all look down at him... "You wanna see my buckle?" and he was in his lifting up his shirt leaning his back back and sticking the belly out so everyone can see his buckle. To Mr. Carter's credit he got down on one knee and said "Yes, Yes I do." And he talked with him for a second and my son was beaming from ear to ear for the rest of the night. Afterwards we went to a friends for his birthday and he asked me what we thought of Punk Carter.. I was ready to answer with" I appreciated his willingness to openly share his ideas and how he has gone through life figuring out the next thing to learn about horses and cutting and more"... And my son Piped up with his grown up tone and nodding his head like a seasoned cowboy "He's pretty nice" This is a high rank from my 5 year old when most things his parents do entail patience and waiting. All in all it was a relaxed demonstration of a man's knowledge and my husband and I definitely appreciated his sharing it with all of us.
Great evening for sure!!!!
And now from life here are a few things around the web you may want to check out...
For those with a cricut the new Gypsy will be unveiled in a bundle on HSN on Sept 24th. I may not need it, but my hands just itch to play with it. Here is a page with a demonstration test drive so you can see some of it's features.
Here is Punk Carter's Website in case you want to see. I know I have some horse folk reading my site. If he decides to demonstrate in your town I would highly recommend it. And he has a BBQ Sauce. maybe it would be a good stocking stuffer for my hubbies holiday gifts.
Have you seen one of these???
My friend Lori decided to help me out with some anniversary prizes and this is one of them! Wow Wow Wow. You can see more of her items at I had these done for my creative team last year and I think they all loved them and really appreciated having such a treasure. Keep an eye on the forum the 1st - 4th of October for all the details.
And for those who are prepping for the holidays here is a site that lists online store codes. This is a great resource... Yes I might be addicted to the pinching your pennies site after my screaming deal on amazon.
Also, we are winding down our first weekly challenge you have until Wednesday to enter and then Thurs there will be a new one. Hope you can make it in there with a Halloween project. Read the forum for more info.
And that is it for me today. hope you have a wonderful day!
Chris Durnan, designer at
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
July-Sept Closing the doors...

Hello to everyone... if you want in the membership for this quarter I am taking it down from the store on Sunday. Above is a listing of some of the files included for $10.00. I am finishing out the files for the quarter and am ready to move on to the next. I hope you don't miss out. I try to include lots of cuts in my files. So hope you can jump on in there and join. Sunday the 13th of September is the last day for this quarter. Most of the files have a straight SVG file with them, but I, also, include the broken down SCUT file so you can open SCAL software, resize to your needs and cut. It have been imported in layers already for you.
Chris Durnan
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mutton Bustin' Picture and just BRILLIANT!

Correction: Got a nice little email from my Mom today. She wanted to clarify that she did go to parent teacher conferences when I was young. There came a point when I told her she didn't need to go anymore and she agreed with me. And this was because I was a BRILLIANT child. Just BRILLIANT. hahahaa.. You didn't know you were reading a brilliant persons blog, but you are reading a blog who had involved parents on many levels. I must have not been the trouble child because I still don't remember those conferences. And that whole Brilliant thing is me being dramatic, but if you want to agree with it. I'll let ya'
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
This weeks Challenge.... and on to life
So this weeks Challenge is a Halloween theme. Post a picture of any project with a Halloween Theme using one of my files. Any of my files. so post the picture and then you are entered in the drawing. And if Halloween isn't your holiday check back next Thursday in the forum for the next weekly challenge.

If you like these files and don't want to join the QMC, A-OK with me. they will be in the store in not to long.

I better get back to these last files for the QMC. Hope you can join in for the weekly challenge. Have a wonderful day!
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Just one of those days ...
PS I am on a coupon binge because of my SIL. I found this awesome site...
Called Pinching your pennies. Here is a link to their site.
My SIL uses Coupon Sense, but I just don't think I am dedicated enough to run it. She is having an awesome time using it. and saving bucks!
Chris Durnan, designer at
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Labor day weekend adventures
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Cruising the blogosphere?? need a cutter file ??.
And don't forget the QMC for this quarter is just about done.. Jump in before the doors close.
Have fun!
Dirt Cheap Deal...
I like Silhouettes, but I love Silhouettes with Sparkle. So I have created 8 individual sets for those animal lovers out there with sparkle. Below is a picture of the entire set. You can go here to see it larger in the store. Buy this one on dirt cheap deal instead of individually and save yourself approx $18.00.
But I am Dirt Cheap Dealing
it this weekend only for $2.69
My Halloween Collection is on sale this weekend to... There quite a few files in this pack.. You can purchase it HERE. for $3.99
Wooohooo! We are starting our Weekly Challenge this coming week and to be entered in the drawing you need to post one Halloween theme project picture using any one of my files. So here is your chance to get the whole set cheapo if you haven't already and work on it this weekend while you have time.
Wow this one is full of lots of Halloween items. Use Click the addition images link below the picture in the store to see the files included and here is a list of them:
CD00141 - 7 Titles included! Lots of fun. Lots of uses.
CD00142 - Halloween Word Jumble, those great words of Halloween all jumbled together, but still easy cutting
CD00143 - Pumpkin Patch Title with Jack-o-lantern
CD00128 - Pitchin' a Fit is filled with 3 titles and a pitchfork. Great for Halloween or other moments!
CD00140 - Happy Halloween with Skull. A title, card Front or accent. Pull it apart or use it together.
CD00139 - Halloween Jumble with Bats, Witches and Cats - OH MY!
CD00116 - 5 Halloween Cards great for Card Fronts, Projects or Artist Trading Cards CD00144 - Candy Corn and Frame No Trick Just Treats
CD00119 - Boo Multilayered title and layered Ghost
CD00114 - Batty Halloween with Card Front, Border and extra bats
There is so much in this collection who knows what to cut first!!! So many titles. So many pieces. It's filled with lots and lots of fun! Enjoy!
Also you can find a few of these Halloween items in the Dollar Deal section of the store!
Chris Durnan, designer at
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Friday, September 4, 2009
6 in and 6 out...Next preview of drawing prizes for our anniversary
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
You can download some freebie files in the forum!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
You could win some of them...

GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September's Sketch Cutter File Challenge is up

GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
My "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.