Thought I would take a moment to say Hello and listen to some Christmas music! I am loving my little player just puts me in a positive mood. I am ready for the holidays. I know times are tight. Money is stretched thin, but I have therefor not gone to to many dinners or outtings and spent more time at home cutting and actually putting things together. This to me is exciting and makes me proud of my holiday gifts to others. The last few years I have been so rushed I have just been running and slapping things together. This year I am loving the ability to create. So that being the case I won't be posting my In Laws creation here because I know my FIL visits and reads my blog to hear about the antics of my kiddo. (waving to Papa). But I am interested to see what you come up with!
So I think when I get back I need to take a few moments to add more holiday music to the player. Woohoo!
Also.. we have a winner in Bingo and a Biggest Bingo Loser winner to! So congrats to everyone. The girls at the forum are already preparing for the next one. So keep an eye open. and if you wanted that custom frame. the coupon in the forum expires on the 20th. So login and get it and order yours today. I will give it to you in whatever file type you'd like.
And we are at the Icing!! for QMC members they know what that means... THE ICING ON THE CAKE and we are over 20 files in the QMC membership and therefore we have hit icing. The best part!! I will post the show and tell in the morning. Thank you to those who joined!

Chris Durnan, designer
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