Here are the letters UVWXYZ! For those still looking for the Square Word Book Set. This file is no longer available for free download, but may be purchased at Paperthreads. Please only use for personal use and do not share or alter ad claim as your own.
password is buzz. Can you guess what that is for since I have a three year old? I will be posting the numbers for download here as a freebie on this set for those who are emailing and requesting them.
Thank You Chris! They all are VERY NICE!!!
Thank you for sharing your files. They are just so cool! I went crazy for Buzz when the Toy Story first came out. I collected Buzz "stuff" and after a bit packed it away. It was a delight to have a couple of years ago when Buzz became my little one's first hero! I am hoping for Toy Story 3 some day.
Thank you Chris! I love your files!
In German: toll, wunderbare Arbeit, vielen Dank!
Thanks again, Chris, for your hard work and generosity.
Chris, you are awesome! Thanks for all of your work on the word book letters! I can hardly wait until I have time to cut one...
Ohhh yeah yeah yeah :) Can't wait to see the numbers too! Thank you CHris!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your DH and son!!
Oh no, don't tell me he got stung? My son always seems to get stung at least a dozen times during the season. Guess those insects love the way he tastes. Poor baby!
Chris, thanks again for a wonderful set of letters! Can't wait to try them out.
Thank you Chris!
What a wonderful Monday morning present from you! I'm planning (hoping) to make a little book for our former scoutmaster who is moving - I will use these and the numbers to spell out the Troop and the number and add photos. I couldn't even dream of it without your wonderful designs :)
Doesn't their hair feel great when they get it buzzed? I have two boys and one kept his buzzed while in swim season. He is a Junior in High School now and much taller than me. the only time I can run my hand over his buzz cut is when he is sitting down. LOL I really like you files and would very much like to have the numbers that go with the square letter set. My e-mail addy is: dlsaltz@ameritech.net. by the way, did you do the buzz cut?
I am loving this set and I hope you do post the numbers.
Thanks for everything you have give us.
Thank you so much for these. I would love to have the numbers also. I'm hoping to incorporate them on pages of my dgc.
Thanks so much Chris for your freebies & for access to the "older files" at www.paperthreads.com ..... I had to journey over there & pick a few up this past weekend that I didn't have & knew that I had pics for. Your creativity is just incredible! Love it! Love it!
I got a kick out of reading your comments.....can't wait to hear what the "buzz" is really all about..tee hee!!!
Glad to see you spent the weekend with your family...hope it was the best!
thanx again for these great files...hope it buzz and woody...cant wait for the numbers
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