So as promised here is the Men's gym set. Hope everyone likes it who needed it. I tried to cover most of the men's sports. The password is the same as the last post. With lots of cuts in this file. This file is no longer available for free download, but will be up at Paperthreads soon.
So we went to the Fair and what a great time and my son is such a trouper. We got there at 10 and I wasn't wearing a watch at all and we walked around. Saw the animals, the trains, the tractors, road some rides, had a corn dog and he just kept going and going and going. For three he was ready to hit the fair. When we got out to the truck at about 3:30 pm. He started crying cause he wanted to go back. It was lots and lots of fun. Nothing like seeing things again for the first time through a child's eyes. Everything is interesting and he points out things you would have glanced right over.
My only moment of concern was my husband had hit the carousel with him and now it was my turn. So I bit the bullet and went. We are going along smoothly. 4 passes of my husband, 5 passes of my husband standing on the side and all of a sudden I am like wow. Good thing I didnt eat. Holy smokes I am gonna be sick. I look up on the next pass and there is my loving husband with the camera just grinning from ear to ear taking pictures. I got off and he was like. Wow you were looking greeeeeeennnn. So he got out the camera to document that. are you serious??? And yes I looked at the pics. I was definitely holding on to that carousel pole with white knuckles.
So I didnt see any deep fried twinkies anywhere. Wew must have gotten a notice that it was causing severe clogged arteries or something. Or sugar rushes beyond control.
It rained just as we got there and in fact there was quarter size pieces of hail. Hail in Arizona in April. We were all shocked. And because of the lightning with the storm the mountain behind us got hit and started a fire. They let it burn out. Beginning of the season, but there is always some kinda fire warning going on since it is so dry out.
Well I better get moving. It's Monday. Welcome to the week, may it be a great one!
PS My son starts going to "school" this week. He is excited and I am nervous. My only child so what can I say. A little nerves can get anyone. It will be three days a week. He needs the social interaction and it will get me into the office a little more and able to do a few other things. So tomorrow will be his first day and my post here may be a little slow because of it. Just a heads up.
PSS Don't forget about the word book challenge. The details are on the top right of my blog.
Sounds like you guys had a blast!!
Be sure to take lost of pictures of your little man going to 'school' :)
Bittersweet memories.
Thank you for making a "Men's Gym Set". I have a son and this Fall he will be attending preschool. So far, he says he wants to go to school. We'll see how he handles it. Also, I plan to enroll him in gymnastics sometime soon and these will come in handy.
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