Todays Download is a Gymnastics set. I have two and this is the first of them. Included in the download is a frame that says eat, sleep, tumble, 5 gymnasts in floor poses, the word gymnastics welded together with a mat. The blue piece cuts as a whole piece and says "Reach for the stars ... with your toes." The letters have been stenciled so no little center pieces to search for after cutting. There is also a star and circle included just in case you want to set it up the way I did.
I was inspired for the two sets because I have been taking my son to toddler time at the local gymnastics center. for 4 dollars he runs around like mad for an hour and I get to tumble around with him to. It is fantastic. It is a regular gymnastics place with the beam, vault, parallel bars etc. not a Tumble for Toddlers place. Anyways, you can take your child in, but you have to watch them. There must be about 30 kids and their parents there. I love to see the parents who partake with their kids and not those who just sit on the sides and point fingers.
Well Enjoy the downloads. the password is buzz. please only use personally which means on your own computer and not shared to someone elses. Even posting a part of my file as your own on a yahoo group is not acceptable! If you can't follow these simple guidelines, Please do not download. No longer available for free download, but can be purchase at the store soon. >Here<
and the second set is also available HERE. A new WPC file for those having problems. You may need to open WINPC or your software first, then open the file and it should work. thanks
PS Thank you to those who answer questions for me on Yahoo Groups. I have been asked to not post unless I plan to moderate on some groups. Well considering I am moderating a few, running this blog, and trying to find design time and spend time with a 3 year old and hubby, I just cannot commit to another one. And because I can't commit to it. I can't post a response sometimes. So thank you thank you thank you to everyone who helps out with it. I appreciate it.
This is so cute!!I love it--Thanks for sharing with us!!!I was wondering if you had any for twirlers?
aka grandmastoy on Paperthreads
Hey Chris,
Sorry to hear about the yahoo groups thingy... but Bless you for spending time with your family and doing what you love... the other is just a message board...
Thank you for all you do. I just love your blog, just the way it's written, your picture of you two, and such....
Just me,
ARGH! I'm sorry you've gotten grief on a yahoo group :(
Well we love ya nad all you do for us! As a wife and mommy (4 boys) I TOTALLY understand!
Do what ya have to!
AMAZING design, once again! Thanks a million!!
I completely agree with Faith about the groups.
I just love your files. Another perfect one. Thanks.
Great file! My 4 boy year old loves to do the same running around at gymnastics places as your son.
You are always welcome on theEasyWishblade group .No rules for you there except good files - and yours are awesome!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful files again. I tell you, I LOVE everything you do. I wish I had 1 zillionth of your talent and creativity. You really inspire me.
You know, Chris,...don't sweat it with Yahoo groups. Whoever said that to you is probably just trying to do what they think is best in their own minds to take care of their members. For reasons the rest of us cannot fathom that person believes control of information is the best way to create quality. Not my philosophy but there are some that live by that method.
My philosophy is to do with your time and energy what brings out the best in you or makes you feel happy at the end of the day. And I'm sure you have found the same as me...there isn't anything that meets those two ideals better than making a life with a wonderful husband and precious children. Everything else - while fulfilling or challenging in its own way -- pales next to them.
And I agree with Faith...it's just a message board. It can be great and fun - but it isn't the heart of life.
Hugs for all you do,...
Hi Chris,
First I want to thank you for all the wonderful work you do. I am so thankful every time I get a new file.
I am having a bit of a problem with the wpc files. I can't get them open. Is there some special way to open them with the pazzles?
Hey Chris! Love your work! Thanks for popping in on the groups that you do and if they want more...they can find someone else...who probably won't have your talent!! So there! :)
Great work yet again!
What font did you use for the Gymnastics? I like it!
Thanks for sharing your talents.
Chris, Oh and since all posts are moderated you don't have to post this or you can edit.
I tried to download this Gym file but after it took me to the download and i clicked on download file but it said the page was unavailable.
By the Way I love your files!!
U really do an awesome job.
sorry about the Groups thingy... some people are just control freaks and are trying to do what they think is best for thier group... don't let it bother you Plenty of people know where your stuff is!
i love your files so much i spent 4 hours TRYING to download this one...i should have threatened to leave hours ago..it finally worked... i can feed the kids now...lol
i wouldnt worry bout the yahoo stuff...ur loved here and paperthreads..and much appreciated for all your hard work
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