Saturday, February 28, 2009

last day to join this quarters qmc... Caught Red "Pawed"

So I am working away today and look over and see the little thief again. Lately I have been trying to get my son to clean out his basket. This is my system of.. here are your items, put them away in one swoop, instead of lots of banter about please do it. do it. please put your things away. The top one is my hubbies with all the tools he brings in to work on the house and then migrates them out again. The next my sons and the bottom is mine. Well now I know why I feel like I am picking up the same item over and over and over. Look at all the items on the floor I just picked up .... the stinker...

I am off to the Rodeo and to dance today! Don't forget to visit the store and get in on the sale. or get in on the QMC for this quarter while you can!



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