Well if you visit the Creative Teams blog then you know who the new Creative Team Member is.... Sandra from NC .... where are you?? ..... Sandra is our new CT member. and here is a quick bio about her. Sandra cuts on the Pink Wishblade. Her positive and fun energy will be a great addition to the team. Her first post on the CT blog is HERE so you can see her latest work. Thanks for joining us Sandra!
HI - my nam
e is Sandra Allred. I'm 48. Married for 24 years to Ricky and we have one son, John, who is 14 and just started high school **EEK**. I'm a native Carolinian. Born in South Carolina and moved to North Carolina after college. I met my husband in Sunday school at church :-). I've been scrapbooking for 12 1/2 years, stamping and card making not quite as long. I purchased my pink wishblade in Spring of 2007 and just really started using it spring 2008. I had to get over wasting paper with it - lol. I don't waste much anymore, except when I'm having trouble with my blade setting. I keep learning how to use it better each day and love it when my blade is working right - lol.
I work part-time (actually about 3/4 time) at a major utility company. I've worked since college and can't wait to retire. Would have a long time ago if hubby didn't insist I work - lol. We attend a Baptist church where I teach 2 year old Sunday school and chaperone the youth on occasion.
I love to have fun and tease and my feelings are not hurt easily.

I work part-time (actually about 3/4 time) at a major utility company. I've worked since college and can't wait to retire. Would have a long time ago if hubby didn't insist I work - lol. We attend a Baptist church where I teach 2 year old Sunday school and chaperone the youth on occasion.
I love to have fun and tease and my feelings are not hurt easily.
Also, while your visiting the CT Blog check out Sussann's Bike Word Book. Awesome job and alot of fun. Here is the closed word book. See the rest HERE. I, also, have a few tutorial downloads on my main page one of them being the Concept of a Word Book and How to use My word Book letter sets. If you are interested in making your own.
I have a few more challenge links to send out and will do it this morning. And the links for the QMC will go out today to. I will do all those sometime today and those I miss this morning will get there links on Monday. Then I am headed out for a night on the town with the hubby. My little one is going to hang out with his cousins and play for a bit while we run some errands and have dinner. I am looking forward to it. I love my son, but taking those few moments to go to Barnes & Nobles by ourselves or the Verizon store for new phones. It can be a small pleasure because you aren't worried about which phones are being pulled off the stands.
My son has had us up most of the night coughing. He is fine all day and then lays down to sleep and just starts coughing. He pretty much sleeps in a pile of pillows with them stacked so his head is elevated. He hates the albuterol inhaler and so he will only use the nebulizer machine. In the winter time he has to use a flovent inhaler to try and keep him from getting to sick. Listening to him cough is just nerve wracking. My husband actually went and laid in his bed with him for part of the night to make sure he was breathing deep enough. And this morning he is running around and cleared his head and is fine. Who knows? Anyone? If it doesn't even out we'll be headed to the docs next week again. The last visits was shots. So we will see how that goes over. In my minds eye I imagine a baby wild kitten trying to crawl up over your shoulder and get away!! or the other scenario will be a lecture for the doctor when he gets there. Last time after shots my son was eloquently telling everyone in the waiting room how they were gonna get hurt with shots and the doctor was doing shots that day. The other kids in the waiting room were mortified while I am trying to carry and rush my son out of the waiting room around some parents who froze in the doorway. My emotions were GET OUT OF THE WAY. So I can carry him out! It was a long conversation on the way home about how you shouldn't scare other little kids like that. His theory was IT was the TRUTH. This is true.
Okay I am rambling. Sorry folks. I better run. Hubby is home today to work on things here at the home office. I am off to finish laundry and get links out to everyone.
Okay I am rambling. Sorry folks. I better run. Hubby is home today to work on things here at the home office. I am off to finish laundry and get links out to everyone.
Have a wonderful wonderful weekend!!

Chris Durnan, designer
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
What wonderful news!!Nice to have you aboard Sandra!
Welcome Sandra! I saw the name....thought to myself, I know her....saw the picture...YEP, I sure do! See ya at the SDV!!
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