So then QMC... I am going to send out the link to everyone tomorrow. I will not be uploading files up to it until October 1st, but will be sending out the link early. Just to make sure everyone is covered. If you haven't joined yet, hit the button on the right hand side of my blog.
My files... Those who are members of my Yahoo group which I use for a newsletter type updates know this already, but I thought I would reiterate here. Today is my last day for files at Paperthreads. If you want something specifically that you cannot wait til the beginning of November to get then I would jump over there today. And yes the official announcement is. I am leaving Paperthreads. Many have guessed this and emailed me about it. Although I love the Paperthreads group of ladies and their comradery, it is just time for me to move out on my own. It was a very amicable split and Michelle has been very gracious. This means. You have to,... have to get those files downloaded whether you have purchased them or they are in the QMC. So please don't miss out and not do it. Michelle is leaving the QMC in the forum until the 31st, but the files in the store have to be downloaded today. And remember the store is on Michigan time. Here is the link to my store section. If you aren't part of my Yahoo Group. Join in. It is maybe one or two emails a week and usually reminders for dates, coupons, sales, etc etc... Link on the right hand side of my blog.
And now for that big ol news and getting it out there. What a relief... I spilled the beans. It feels so good. Wew!
Do you have any great plans for the weekend? I do. I plan to stay home and work on finishing up some of the projects we have going on here. Right now I am laying on a heating pad because I seem to have tweaked my back some. However, it has to be better by this weekend because I need to move something to goodwill and get items ready for the dump and just clean it all out!! So I am working on advil and heating pad. Has anyone had accupuncture on their back. My hubby won a free gift certificate for it. :-) yowser.
And tomorrow I will announce my new addition to the Creative Team! and then I am blessed to have a second CT announcement next week. Many people have emailed me and asked why do I need such a big CT team?? why? Because I like it low key and easy going. One submission a month from any files. Not high pressure for deadlines. Just sometime during that month. I just want that one submission to be the best it can be and as always all of the ladies on the team do fabulous work!! Fabulous! So that's why for those who have emailed me and requested info from me for the last few weeks. Or how they can get one or what they can do and what the specifics are.. I usually take on new CT members by watching the groups and forums and looking for something that catches my eye and I love referrals from current CT members. So thats how and why that works.. But we will be at 10 so for now I am full. Vicki is leaving us and we will miss her! But her work is phenomenal and we will keep an eye out for what she is creating when she can. In the near future tho.. there will be more opportunities for people to be involved.. so keep your eyes open. .. wooohooo
On that note. I gotta run. My son wants to help me with dishes. so I better get them done while he is interested. And then I will need a shower because I will be soakeddddddd.
Have a wonderful evening and...

Chris Durnan, designer
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
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