I am not sure why, but going through some Monday Morning Moodiness. Just don't want to get moving. So I figured I would post because it always gets me going and rejuvenated and on Mondays I can prepare for what I need to do for the week. .....
Okay my first thought... Load Pictures to blog of weekend! Lots of fun.
2nd thought.. blog roll.
3rd thought.. finish conversions for challenge
4th thought.. Remind people to download from the QMC.
and there's more, but lets just jump right into it.
I will get you some pictures from this weekend. It was a quick trip to the lake friday night and home Saturday night, but we had a wonderful time with some friends. Also, got to attend a birthday party for our close friends daughter. So much fun. Jumping castle, train, strawberry shortcake, busy busy and loved it. I actually spent some time scrapping this weekend for a gift. instead of just test cutting. It was fun fun fun! more on that later.
If you have my link on your blog, send me your blog link. I will post it here in kind. So email me here and put BLOG LINK in your subject. Subjects are sooo important to me. I filter alot of my email by subjects. So yes I would love to put your blog on my blog in kind. I used to have alot of them listed, buttttt when I went to three column I lost them. So send them over please.

Next was Challenge Conversions. I am half way there and will be sending out the link. I have been getting alot of requests and will be cross referencing them with turned in files from last time and then sending out the link! So it should be to you by the end of the week. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. If you want to join in. See the details in the previous post.
And then was the QMC download. ... I think I might put a countdown counter on my blog. I leave it up to you as the joiner to get your files down and protect them. And what you do to get them down and save them is your perogative. The last day is the 31st. So please do it quickly. The last file is up so if you do it today you won't have to worry. I fyou want to sign up again it is in the right hand side of my blog and there is a link for more details for this quarter because it will run a bit differently.
I have another Creative Team person to be announced soon. I am sooo excited to have her. We will have to wait a bit tho' because I think she wants to create some stunners to go with her announcement! And I think everything she does is phenomenal! Just like my other members.
So I have to get a new phone. I have been perusing the verizon website for about two weeks. I don't like any of the phones. Everyone is in to touch screens. I like buttons. I have a touch screen I can't wear my earrings or it does something weird. I have chunky fingers so I can never hit the spec of a dot on the spot in order to get the feature I want. (Because I have lost three of the stylus) So I want buttons. I also would like a keyboard. I don't know how the txters of the world do it with the number pad. give me a full on qwerty so I can type out exactly what I'd like. hmm... So I am leaning towards a blackberry because then I could keep up on email when going on our weekend jaunts. hmm...what to do what to do. Well I'll shelf it til I have time to peruse the verizon site again.
Well I feel a little better. Just discombobulated. So I am gonna get back to conversions and test cuts and get those challenge files ready. Thank you to everyone and your wonderful notes sent in with the challenge files requests. Makes me feel awesome! thanks.
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