Today is the Pre-Sale for the Super Halloween Value Pack.
Here is the link to the store.
If you are interested in it, the coupon code is in the messages at my group. Thank you in advance to all those who emailed to say they got it! If this pre-sale goes well, I will have more in the future. It is a few extra steps, but worth it.
Paperthreads has a Creative Team! Did you know?? I have a wonderful Creative Team here with my blog. But the Paperthreads CT member Rosalie chose my Number Jumble File. Exciting! Rosalie, who has sent me pictures of files before, posted this use of the Number file. I thought it was super cute. As for the paper choices, per Vickie's request.... If Rosalie is visiting my blog, maybe she can post that to the comment section here. (Heather, Vicki also was interested in your paper choices for the star halloween project, if you get a chance to post it in the comments here. )
Anyways here is the great project. I think it is awesome! But that is just my opinion... I might be biased.
And it was a sale file for the month of September. So just a few more days for that sale.
And on to the weekend!!!! So this weekend promises to be a busy one. We are going to roast marshmallows tonight. I am not a graham cracker eater so we will be cramming a M&M in the middle of the marshmallow, roasting and eating it. My son is super excited. Thinking also since some friends are coming over. Maybe we will put up the little tent I have with the air mattress out by us. So my son can hang out in the tent or fall asleep in it and we adults can chat. I haven't told him yet. But I think once he sees the tent he will just be so excited. Why do kids love Tents? they just do. I do to. Maybe I am still a kid. haha.
Then the foundation that I am a part of has a booth at one of the local fairs so I need to go visit that and then we are presenting at a Ceremony for a new building at one of the hospitals. So, I will go to that on Sunday. My hubby plans to stay home and work on finishing up the fort for our son. We have a swing set that we planned to build a fort on it in the future. Well the future is here. If he gets it done I will upload a picture here. I think our son will love it.
And good news last night my sister's baby will be early according to the doctor. So I will be an Aunt again. Can't wait. So excited. This will be the only granddaughter my Mom has. Her other four are boys. This little girl will have a lot of pink in her life. Wew!
Have a wonderful weekend!
And Enjoy!