Woohoo! We have moved everything in and are on the downward side of this hill called the office move. Next we work on the space for my hubby's at home office which I am sure will be awesome. My husband has great taste and I look forward to helping him put it all together.
So we have two submissions for the June 08 Challenge already in. I have sent out the link almost 50 times. And I have to say these are awesome! I will be adding a page to my mainsite to load them all in. If you want to see the ones from last time.
Here is the link. Anything goes for this challenge you can scrap anything! Cards, books, atc, altered pieces, Anything you can come up with. Thanks for playing!
So the first one is from Karine. The Skateboarder is from the challenge and one other file as well... Do you see it? Came out great and I love the fun colors.
Then our next entry is from Ginny Using the Apple File for a super cute Get Well Card. Love it. 

If you are still interested in participating in the challenge, you can email me for the link. Two requirements for the Challenge. You follow through with a submission and you do not share the files with others or the link. 'Tis it. I have had lots of people say this has pushed them to use their cutter and get them over the hump of not cutting. Hopefully it is fun.
So A BIG THANK YOU! to those who have joined the QMC and participated in the Sale. It made my day to see how many people signed up for the new QMC. I have sketches drawn for files already and am going to start putting them together. The current QMC members need to download download download. Get them all down as quick as you can the end of the month is coming!
On to life and my ramblings....
So last night the men in my life decided they needed to have pizza. I like to have one of my "gluten free" pizzas to, but it takes time and effort to cook and eat. So I hit Trader joes's on the way home and got some munchies. I love Trader Joe's. I have to say their gluten free items are becoming less of selection then my local Fry's. However, I still love to visit there. I bought my hubby a bunch of different red wines. He likes to have a glass in the evening while we sit on the porch and relax. I am a woman with ample frontload, sideload, and backload, but I get along. I know I could stand to lose some load, but when a teeny tiny person (so teeny you can look through their arm and see the food on the shelf on the other side) looks me up and down in trader Joe's and looks in my cart and just looks me up and down again and walks away with her fat free tofu bites with her nose in the air. I gotta just roll my eyes. Give me a break. Life would be so boring if we are all of the same size and measurements. Don't throw your nose at me. Please. Sorry about that I had to vent for a moment.
In my basket of atrocities were dried apple rings which I bought to see what my little one thought. He tried one this morning asked me what they were again. And then tried another. Wrinkled his nose up and said. Are you sure these aren't Horse treats? Great my child thinks I am feeding him horse food. We'll see if he finishes the bag or they sit there for a while. hmm.. if they sit there maybe I will see if the horses like them. haha. Then he really won't trust me when I say. Just try it.. would I feed you dog or horse food? Just try it. We shall see.
So yesterday getting out of the house was a back and forth journey. I keep running back in the house for one more thing. Even got out the front gate and had to come back to get keys to the trailer with all our things in it for moving. My son pipes up from the backseat. MOM Do you think we will ever get to summer camp? I shoulda just said No! I don't think so. But I said Yes of course we will. Mom will get it all together. Didn't matter anyways when I picked him up he was happy to see me, but mad at the teachers because two called in sick and they didn't have enough teachers plus lifeguard per student ratio to go swimming. I am glad they dealt with a bunch of 4-6 year olds in swimsuits mad as could be because they can't go swimming. I so appreciate there attention to my child and the other childrens safety.
I am still rambling... But I haven't posted in a while so I have lots on my mind...
My hubby got me a digital picture frame for my bday. I have been researching them left and right for about 4 months now waiting for the best deal and my hubby decided this one and enough searching. We have this relationship where I look at something for forever and then when I decide to get it my hubby says YES PLEASE GET IT. Tis how I got my craft robo. I researched it for about a year. Started out looking for a Wishblade. When I had the funds saved and had decided to make the plunge my husband was happy to have it here. Then I think he thought I was crazy as my sister and I cut a bunch of the files I had downloaded in preparation. And said look It's a cowboy hat. Look it's a paper purse. Look It's a paper alligator. I have burned in my memory the smile of pure puzzlement as he agreed with me it was cool. But anyways. I love the digital frame. I popped in a card from my camera about a year ago. (I keep the cards because for me it is another form of backup. Computer, Card and Online Backup. I would hate to lose my family pictures.) The slideshow of pictures of a year ago are full of smiles and happiness and some of them tear my heart out. I realize whenever I see a pic of my grandfather that my heart is in my throat and my eyes are "spilling" as my little one calls it. I just miss him so. I miss not sitting with him at family functions. I miss listening to my hubby chat business with him. I have lost many people in life and yet I haven't felt this dull thud like this in my heart when I think about him. He gave me my first job at his business. When we were little and here from Wisconsin he would come in from work and sit down in the middle of the couch so we could crawl all around him, my brother sister and I. On the weekends we would walk out in the mornings, hair all over the place and in our pjs and he would sing.. "Here she is miss america" . He would take us all to 31 flavors. We went to see Annie in a "real theatre" when he visited us in Wisconsin. In fact, he pushed me to continue to date my boyfriend at the time which is now my awesome husband. And the list goes on. Well I just had to get it out a little. I still miss him so. I have scrapped a page for him, but haven't finished it as I would like to show more of him and not so much heart ache. So I will continue to notate all these thoughts I have about him and add a page in the future.
So have you made it this far??? Wow just ful of emotion and ramblings today. I better run. Tomorrow I have some stories about our auction trip this time around and my deals I purchased. (No new horses wew) I just better run now and get the house picked up some since we haven't been here.
Thank you to everyone. Have a wonderful day!