First Business..
So I have uploaded a few files to the
store for the Dollar Deals this weekend. Most of them are of the zoo nature. They are mostly on the front page of the store. HOWEVER, we now have the $1.00 deals section in the categories and you can look through those to get a better listing. Lots of changes going on in the store. So there will be a few announcements coming up next week.
And the most important thing for those who are straddling the fence is... THE QMC is gonna close after this weekend. This quarter has 20 files to so far and the last 9 are in the works. If you want to join in and get those files at a super lower price. Then visit the store
HERE and sign up. If you miss out you can sign up for July-Sept when it loads to the store in the next week or so. But the current files won't be available accept on individual purchase in the store. So jump on in. We'd love to have you.. There is always room for one more.
And that is it for me today on busines.. so on to life..
It is almost the weekend. I am working on all the things to prep for lots of events this weekend. Most important I am thinking about those friends we have lost in the process of servicing the country. Thinking about explaining to my son the great importance of this day and honoring. He recently graduated from pre-k and they chose to do patriotic songs. So they sang God Bless America a few others and Proud to be an American. So my son has been taking this song (because they memorized the whole thing) and breaking it down into pieces and asking us what the lines mean in the song. And we have been explaining it to him. It has been perfect timing to prepare for the weekend. Below are some pictures from the pre-k ceremony.

Yes that is my son conducting in the picture above. He practiced over and over the song because he wanted to be the kid that got the mic part. However, he didn't make the cut I guess so. He decided if he wasn't gonna be the guy then he was gonna conduct him. hahah. too cute. And as you can tell He is very SERIOUS about his conducting. haha.
And the practicing in our house included the bathroom. I would ask him what he was doing and he was sitting on the floor belting out the words at the top of his lungs on the floor of the bathrom. "What are you doing hon?"" I am singing MOM. It sounds good in here" My son has joined the ranks who sing in the bathroom for the acoustics. IT IS awesome. I love to sing. I had a better voice in my younger days and Now that I have had surgery my throat just is not the same. i can feel I don't have the power in it and at times it just makes me cough. So I have shied away from singing outloud. But singing with my kiddo around the house makes my day. Sometimes we will sing made up lyrics about what we are cooking. Ever heard an opera about peanut better and jelly sandwiches? Well you would if you lived here. I love my life..
I won't be around a whole lot this weekend. As my Dad is coming to town to hang out with his grandkids and the men are coming over to put a new roof on the house. woohoo!! (Tip: if you want rain in ARIZONA.. take the roof off your house. It will rain for two days straight. )
Everyone enjoy your Memorial weekend and I hope you find that moment of silence where you can say a prayer for those who support our country through the military. Whether you agree with those in charge, there are still men and women out there doing what they can so that you can enjoy your BBQ this weekend without fear. So I hope that moment comes for you where you can bow your head and thank those who give their lives.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Chris Durnan, designer
Chris Durnan, designer
The designer of the original QMC - aka Chris's Cutter File Club. Files available in SCUT GSD KNK WPC & AI. Multi-layered, Test Cut files. 20 plus files, but every membership so far has had 29 files for $10. Join today and get that icing on the cake of 9 extra files over 20 for $10.00
For more info... . Don't miss out before it closes!