Please join me at my new site... . This site is no longer active. Offerings are all posted at my new site. Thank you for stopping by! ~Chris
Friday, October 31, 2008
Testing mobile blogger
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween is a coming... wew... and qmc files uploaded...
Well I have some excellent treats for those QMC members....
Here are the files I have uploaded in the last few days. So now we are up to 10 and I am on par for 29 files again this quarter. Guaranteed 20, but wouldn't 29 be so much nicer! woohoo!! Okay here are some pictures and they have been uloaded to the forum and the 4shared link.
While you are at the forum. Don't forget to do a last minute sign up for Bingo! I have given Karen some prizes and am working on more. One of the top prizes is a membership for next quarter!
I am back to creating. Have a wonderful Thurs! Tomorrow I'll post some halloween pumpkin pics.
Chris Durnan, designer
The designer of the original QMC - aka Chris's Cutter File Club. Files available in SCUT GSD KNK WPC & AI. Multi-layered, Test Cut files. 20 plus files, but every membership so far has had 29 files for $10. Join today and get that icing on the cake of 9 extra files over 20 for $10.00
For more info... . Don't miss out before it closes!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Kinda Racin' and here are some images from the challenge.
VISIT the forum for Chris's Cutter File Club/QMC Members. I am running a poll and need your input.
Next here is the most current slideshow. I am working on updating everyones names with their pictures. PHENOMENAL. This was my most participated in challenge yet. Thank you! Thank you!

Chris Durnan, designer
The designer of the original QMC for Cutter Files - aka Chris's Cutter File Club. Files available in SCUT GSD KNK WPC & AI. Multi-layered, Test Cut files. 20 plus files, but every membership so far has had 29 files for $10. Join today and get that icing on the cake of 9 extra files over 20 for $10.00
For more info... . Don't miss out before it closes!
Monday, October 27, 2008
My email box runneth over with Challenge submissions.
I took yesterday off to rejuvenate my brain. We went to the pumpkin patch with Grandma and Papa and then came home and I just read a novel. Nothing to think about. Made some salmon for dinner and hung out. Now I am back at it!
Thank you to everyone who has joined Bingo. Wow Karen really got it going and she cannot wait to call out the words. You have a few more days to get your words in. So jet on over to the forum and see what is being listed as some awesome family traditions.
Also, my friend Lori is back into the blog world (waving at Lori). If you need a beautiful holiday gift with lots of personalized sentiment. Check out Lori's stars. Wow! They are phenomenal. Missed you Lori!
That's it for right now because I have to take the kiddo to school and hang out in town and wait for him. So I am headed to the library to wait.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday WoW? BINGO Game signup, Adventures in Gluten Free cooking!
And what can you do this weekend??? Well sign up for Bingo of course. Karen is hosting for my at the forum. So please take the time to run over there and sign up. 1st place will win a Membership in Chris's Cutter File Club for Jan-March 2009.

I am still getting submissions for the challenge and that is awesome. I will repost a new slideshow when I get them all up. They are all due by Sunday. Phenomenal crafters!
Tomorrow I have to get into the craft room. Do some test cuts on some new files. And also, cut some vinyl for on my nieces Birthday gifts. I have a few things to cut to personalize different peoples gifts. So hopefully it will all go smoothly and I will be on to making my Homemade Gourmet KEYLIME CHEESECAKE Ball. I bought Graham Crackers to go with it and my own kinda crackers. It is gluten free. and yum yum. So I think I will also. grate some lime peel with my microplaner (i think that is what it is called) to give the ball a green zest. add some interest to it in eye appeal.
Last weekend I tried to make Cornbread gluten free. I have a few recipes, but mixes are so much easier. I made two. One from the package recipe by Bob's Red Mill gluten free mix. And the other. I took the mix and added its ingredients and then also added a can of cream corn, 1 cup of cheddar cheese, and 1 can of green chiles. And cooked it for a bout ten minutes longer. It was yum! the first one got eaten to, but the second one went like hotcakes. Made twice the batch when adding those ingredients. So I will be trying it again. I like to mess with recipes. lots of fun. I made my first white chili to. It came out sweet according to my hubby. I think because I used frozen white sweet corn. So my hubby added some jalapenos from my garden to it and some Tony's. Tony's Creole seasoning is a staple in our home. It gets used more then salt and pepper.
Well now that my tastebuds are just watering. I am off to get some things finished up for this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend yourself and don't forget to join the BINGO game at the forum.

Chris Durnan, designer
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
Monday, October 20, 2008
3 new files in the Membership and more and more to come!!!

This Santa looks to me like he swallowed a cookie. I will be offering up the files tomorrow in the QMC/CCFC for this, but wanted to show you how cute he came out!! So excited.
Rights for use of this file were granted to me by Digi Web Studio.

Chris Durnan, designer
The designer of the original QMC for Cutter Files - aka Chris's Cutter File Club. Files available in SCUT GSD KNK WPC & AI. Multi-layered, Test Cut files. 20 plus files, but every membership so far has had 29 files for $10. Join today and get that icing on the cake of 9 extra files over 20 for $10.00
For more info... . Don't miss out before it closes!
Monday is Magnificent
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Cutter File Club still open... and welcome to Melody!!
Now on to my second thoughts.....
Hello, ev1! I'm so excited to be here, I don't know where to begin! Lol But then, get me started and you may be here for a while! No, I promise.. short and sweet...I have lived in Kentucky for 37 years, originally from Ohio, and I am married (this past Thurs) for 27 of those years (2nd time around)--and really love my honey, he's a keeper! ( This week) Have 2 grown children, daughter, Heather-- and son, Mitchell. They both have a child of their own, grandaughter, 6, Kennadi --and grandson, 11 mos, Keaton. And they are what keeps my heart warm and my feet and hands busy! I love being a 'mamaw'..(hence the screen name, luv2bmamaw) My granparents all passed before I was old enough to know what they were, so I make it important to be there for mine and to help make memories for them to keep. I am 5th generation in sewing, and love to piece quilts. Have done some painting and wood-crafting.Just this past summer, purchased a Silhouette, and love, love love it!! Can't figure out why I didn't get one sooner!! It has become an important part of my scrapping, and card making. I'm all for new ideas and projects coming and going! Getting ready this week for a scrapbooking retreat, and overwhelmed with getting it packed! So, ya'll wish me luck, and I look forward to meeting and greeting all of you! I love Chris' designs and so very proud of her-- the forum is awesome, Chris! Looking forward to working with ya'll!
As you can tell she is busy busy energetic and lots of fun.. Here are some of her more recent projects..

Welcome Melody!!
Everyone have a fantastic Thursday!!

Chris Durnan, designer
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chris Durnan, designer
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Trick or Treat sitting witch... challenge entries..

From Diane...

From Melissa...

From Sandra...

Chris Durnan, designer
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
Monday, October 13, 2008
It's monday!!
Also, I will be posting some of the sooooo awesome Challenge pictures I have been getting. You guys just astound me. Phenomenal!! But those will be tomorrow and the rest of the week.
On to life.. So our Expedition has a Service Engine Soon light on. This light drives me nutz. I plan to call our wonderful mechanics (Super Car Center originally Tucson Independent Muffler. I love these Guys. Honest. Hard Working. I refer them to everyone I can) and see if we can get it in on Thursday night to Friday. But a big part of me is thinking ... If you know the engine needs servicing.. why can't the dash just say... Oxygen Sensor problem, Engine is going to die, Needs Windshield washer fluid.. things like this. I am the owner of the machine why make it so mystical. We own a business and try to educate the owners of the computers every chance we get. Some are not so receptive to it and some appreciate the regular lingo and not the geek speak. I just gotta think that having an actual "THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG" light so I can look it up would make my stomach not so stressed about is it realllllly reallllly bad. Oh well. just a girl point of view most mechanics would probably think. Our mechanics are great at taking the time to explain to me or to show to my hubby exactly what the deal is.
And Yeah.. for the first weekend I realized I wasn't feeling pain twinges in my back. I swear I will never ride the inner tube behind the boat again. or at least not until next time. haha. But many alive I really tweaked it and now I am moving around again and thinking I should be able to ride a horse next weekend.
Speaking of horses. We went to the horse auction it was the versatility auction instead of the regular monthlys. My hubby big on two babies. Very nice, well bred, confirmation sound horses. But there was one that I watched a lady ride around and I said to my hubby. Thats it That is the best horse here. He just smiled at me and nodded then took a longer look and we were both drooling. 2 year old stallion but calm as could be and beautiful and our of Smart Little Lena which is a phenomenal horse. Needless to say starting bid was 15,000 and well worth it. However, this economy there was no takers. So I am sure the horse will be up at the sale in Northern Arizona this weekend. A sale that has a lot more hype and gets much better prices for a buckskin (coloring) horse and with that breeding. Oh well. One can drool. But it was nice to know I can pick out the nicest horse on the lot right off.
My little one had an awesome time at the auction. He plays with every kid there. Well more like they play with him because I am one of those ultra prepared moms. In the car all the time a bag of cars. No matter where we are they are great for attention getters. So my son was sharing his cars with 3-4 other kids. It makes the watching the auction more pleasureable for my hubby and I. They usually play at our feet in the dirt with all the trucks. Whatever works. He is dirty and filthy when done but at least he had a good day to. Oh and he got a new spurs. He put them on immediately and wondered around clicking them and looking back at them to make sure they were making enough noise. One of the old cowboys gave them to him. the other kids were envious, but my son shakes the mans hand every time he sees him and is polite. Must have made an impression on him. very nice.
Well I better get back to those files. Or I could reminsce here all day. I still have to get the cookie dough order together to take to Nana's this afternoon and see what she would like to get. Have a wonderful Monday!

Chris Durnan, designer
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Cookie Dough Fundraisers... And Challenge Pictures.
Lots of folks hitting the new forum. Thank you to everyone posting there and joining in. A warm and pleasant bunch over there. Also, if you are a Chris's Cutter file Club, Originally QMC, there is a section just for you. Join the Forum and email me with FORUM ADD in the subject. If you haven't joined the membership yet, you can do so at the link on the upper righ hand side of my blog.
Well I better show some pictures quick before I have to throw the kid in the shower, feed the horses, check email... oh and get myself dressed. hahah. This would be a GOOD thing.
If you want to join the challenge, you can still email me and join it. It isn't due til the 26th. However, you will probably get the link Sunday as Saturday I am hoping to hit the pumpkin patch.
Thank you to everyone for their submissions!! The are all wonderful and sure make my blog look wonderful!!
From Patti A

From Kalyani

Chris Durnan, designer
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Tuesdays Almost gone.. but I am sliding in with more submissions...
Before I do.. thank you to those who have joined my new forum. You can do so also at . If you are a QMC member or Chris's Cutter File Club, you can email me with the subject FORUM ADD. After you join the forum and I will add you to the section so you can see it. You can still join Chris's Cutter File Club, originally QMC, as well.
As for the rest of my files.. I am working working on it. Should be lots of fun.. But even more fun.. looking at these great submissions!
From Gina...

Monday, October 6, 2008
There is still time to join the challenge. If you want to join in and need more info you can visit here for more info. It is due October 26th. so lots and lots and lots of time to play. First check out all of these below!!
There is still room in Chris's Cutter File Club, orginally the QMC, so if you want more info, please visit the link on the button on the right.. or visit my home page and look for the info on the left. Thank you to those who have already joined!
From Lisa.. sorry about the sideways. In my rush I didn't flip it... rrrr. I will get it flipped for the slideshow.

From Didi!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Sneak Peak two files for QMC.

Other then that I am back at it! Have a wonderful wonderful weekend!

Chris Durnan, designer
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!