Well here is the next one. It is three layers and I separated them completely in the file so you could use any part of it in a cut. I hope you like. The letters are one piece, the purple another and the lite purple another piece. I am not getting much feedback, but seem to be getting quite a few downloads so I am thinking the files are working for everyone. This link is gone after 91 downloads. You can purchase this file HERE. Here is the download link. For Personal Use only! Please do not share, alter or claim as your own. And please direct people to my blog, not the direct link to the download.
The inspiration for this was my son. Even tho' I show it in girls colors. He comes up to me and innocently says.. "What is this?" I replied. "It's an ice cream scoop. You know that." and he sweetly replied with a smile and tilt of his head... "Should we try it??" His little cheeks just pucker up into little cutey rosey cheeks. Yep, we had ice cream. Couldn't refuse that ask.
Well enjoy and hope it gets put to good use.
The password is cupcake. Just because I'd love to have one and it is a little more detail entailed to make them when you don't eat wheat gluten aka flour.
I came here for nascar but grabbed this one~ I love it thanks for sharing. Hope to return the favor.
Fantastic. You are a whiz
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