So today we went shopping for the Father's Day gift. We will be out of town for Father's Day so my kiddo has decided he wants to give Dad his Father's Day present early. because well.... We have a playstation 2 here. He and I wandered through the store over and over front to back and have been searching for the perfect gift for a weeek or two now when we go to the store. He finally settled on an old PS2 star wars game and was adamant it was the one he wanted to get for Dad. And to go along with the theme found a card that plays the star wars theme song. And some may worry that I am posting this and my hubby will read it. He has told me many times he doesn't read my blog because...... :::drumroll please:::: HE LIVES IT! :: what's he trying to say? I could take that negatively. but I think I will just take it at face value. he lives it. So he must love it as much as me. haha. Maybe not the PMSy parts, but I can't stand those parts either. But anyways. my son is proud of his choices and he just sat down and wrote Dad on the front envelope all by himself and his name in the inside. and I did a little tweaking to the card so it says Happy Father's Day to Dad and not Happy Father's Day to a son. because it had the right star wars music and we haddddd to get it. haha. so I am waiting for the Marker to dry. Why do kids love Marker so much? Kinds like when someone gets their nails done and blows on it. but I am inhaling marker fumes and waving it and praying it will dry some time soon so I can put it in the envelope. The game has been wrapped. It has been wrapped in two pieces of bright yellow drawing paper with packaging tape and blue painter's tape (because I use this on my cutters we have a lot of blue tape around here) It really is a work of art in itself. I think the yellow paper may even be taped to the packaging wrap for the game. hmmm. I might have to video tape the hubby opening this and post it on here. haha.
anyways. it has been a great week and I have been taking it easy as June was supposed to be my month of rejuvenation. I have my little notebook packed for sketching on our trip. I am very excited for some time with family. our plans include sea world, San Diego model train museum, beach, seafood dinners, maybe seaport village and just being together. can't wait. So I will chat with you all when I get back.
Lots of folks in the forum to answer any questions. I can't wait to see all the cutter file challenge entries when I get back. If you have any questions, I will return them when I get home.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Chris Durnan, designer at www.visualdesignsbychris.com
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
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