Well we have made it to Monday. Sometimes in life a few days alter your path and how you live it. I write this post today with a heavy heart. And without going into alot of detail, we layed our puppy to rest after an incident on Friday. It is interesting how such a smile life can impact you so quickly. For instance knowing she is gone, but still getting up to check to see if she needs to go out at 2 a.m. in the morning. Because of this whole situation we also lost one of our other dogs. So we are at the loss of two of our family members. Many around us may say. They are just animals it is just an animal just a pet. But my husband and I take our stewardship of our animals and their place in our lives very seriously and with love. So I know this week will be filled with empty pauses and moments that really can't be filled other than with a hug. We told my son Sunday morning after some of our closest friends hung out with him for a few hours so we could just handle everything. It only shatters your heart into a million tiny pieces to see your child's heart break from the words you have told him. But from there we let him decide the rest of the day... so his choice... let's go to the fair. So we spent a few hours dodging reality because we knew when we got home it would hit us in the face. Another positive thing this weekend we escaped on Saturday to do our usual riding horses. It was important to me to get my son out of the house even tho' his puppy was in the hospital. Life truly does go on and you can cherish the memories and the moments for they remain within your heart, but you have to go forward. Tomorrow always comes. My theory being you can hurt and you can hurt from the depths of your soul, but you still gotta keep on living and living to the best of your ability. So then.. Saturday was the last day of a buckle series my son has ridden in. (Secretly I know two wonderful people bought him his buckle so he could feel he has ridden with the big guys and won) But he really feels he has given it his all every weekend we went to ride so he is anxious to win one of those buckles. Well he did and it was given to him by his buddy Eddie. Below are some pictures. He has found a place to put the buckle on his dresser and has decided we need to put up a hook to hang his belt on. He also has figured out how to walk around with his thumbs hooked in it so he can flash it to anyone who sees. I will get a better picture of the buckle and post it tomorrow.
My kiddo receiving his buckle from the guys

Riding and elephant is a litttttle different then riding a horse.
On to business...
Well folks I have a backlog of emails to reply to. I will start working on them this morning. And then this afternoon my intentions are to spend time with my son keeping him busy and his mind occupied. So don't hesitate to email me if you are in need of something quickly. And I will do my best to get through all the coorespondence and to dos this morning and tomorrow morning. Have a wonderful day! And I thank you for your understanding.
Thank you to Lori for all your help this weekend (I couldn't have done it without you) and everyone's heartfelt words. The community of support I have here enriches my life and my soul.
Enjoy life and this moment for it may be altered completely in the next.
Chris Durnan, designer
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
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