Hello to everyone....
Well this week was just one of those weeks where I could never get enough done to get it all done. Spent alot of time with my kiddo. And focusing on being happy, but still being okay with being sad. And sooo that means I didn't get a chance to get dollar deals set for the store. So I instead have posted a few coupons for your use.

And also here are some things going on in the forum.. to keep you busy..
Love to Cook? Love New Recipes..Preparations are being made to put together a recipe swap. The head Chef is Sarah and she is getting ready to organize the ingredients and requests and put together a recipe swap. Little recipe albums are great for holiday gifts. (and we all know my quest for finishing handmade holiday gifts this year). If you would like to read more details you can visit the forum
here.Tags...Tricia has quite a few groups going for Tags in the forum. Tags are great for presents, scrapbook pages, cards, Tag Albums and so much more. If you are interested in joining any of the small groups of tag creators (3-4), you can sign up in the
forum. The due date is not until July 1st. So much time to get them together.
Wouldn't a fall tag look great attached to a nice bottle of wine for house warming gift or hostess present this holiday season?Ribbon Buy-In Sara is the hostess for this buy-in. So if you are addicted to the Stampin' Up Ribbon now is the time to get in on a bulk order and add to your stash.
BINGO..Are you almost ready? We are almost ready to play again too.... Woohoo!
Monthly Sketch Challenge..Did you do the sketch challenge with the cute little owl in the forum? This month is almost over join in and finish a page for your project.
So much fun going in the forum.. If you need space to organize your own swaps or challenges and need space. Just
email me your thoughts and we can provide the space for you. An easy going fun place to visit and Enjoy!
Well I must run as I just realized Friday is usually my create and do laundry day and guess what... I haven't done either... ahhhh!! So I must get back to it quick so I have some clean jeans to wear to the fair to cheer on the 4-h kids. yikes.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Chris Durnan
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!