I have a bee in my studio. He keeps buzzing in the window. For some reason I just keep staring at him. Why does he keep trying to get out the window when the glass window part is open 2 inches away. And is a “he”? must be because isn’t there a queen bee which would be a “her” hmm. Yes my mind is odd and rambles and goes on these crazy loss of track thought processes. But hey it works for me.
This is the third Mondy in August of the year 2011. Doesn’t that sound official? Hmm.. kinda but also bizarre as the date is posted at the top of this heading. This is just one of those days where odd things strike me as interesting.
In my queue of things today, (Netflix has a queue why shouldn’t I?) I have some Scout items to work on being the Wolf Den Leader this year. I have been reading all the den meeting plans and coming up with things to keep the guys engaged. I have some fun ideas to wrap around the to-do’s and some of the den meetings I will be begging the parents to help us out. It should be a great year of activities. My kiddo loves Scouts it really thrills him to put on that uniform. I should be proud to wear the uniform, but I fear I will look frumpy and dumpy in mine. I wish I could bling out the eyes on the wolf badge with some jolee crystals, but something tells me this is not “uniform protocol”. I also am sure I will find a pair of pants I think go well with the shirt and not make me look to frumpy and they will be relegated as the Scouts pants. Hmmm wonder if I can bling those out. Hmm… I wonder. Again probably not uniform protocol… that’s okay I’ll figure it out. I have been told I should Velcro the den leader badge on because I will need to change it out for next years den. YIKES I haven’t made it past this years plan of den meetings lets not talk about next!!! All kidding aside. I am quite excited and hope I have come up with some ideas to make the meetings fun for the Scouts. And I hope I don’t embarrass my kiddo to much being dorky. It’s just how I roll. My hubby knows this so he will hopefully explain it to my son. Haha. So yes… I will be hitting folks up for Popcorn sales coming soon. So if you are interested in Popcorn, please consider us! But we’ll save the rest of that pitch for later.
In the meantime, I just hope the boys in our Den are happy and I do a good job.
And now that my mind has rambled and wondered a bit.. Here are some pics from our California adventure. It was a quick trip. And I think I am just going to do the adventure backwards. Especially since I posted food pics from our last stop of the trip already. Here is Sunday morning. My son decided on Friday he was going to build a “huge” sand castle. He wanted a shovel. I only brought a little bucket and a small yellow plastic shovel (which I think the seagulls may have flown off with). So Sunday morning we were the sole family out on the beach before we had to leave. We were there at 9 a.m. in the morning. Honestly it was perfect. There was no one there, but us and those being healthy in their lifestyle running by. My son was in and out of the water and digging and building. A little later in the morning we ended up with a few other moms and their kids on the beach. And we ended up with one blonde invader in our castle with the cutest little pig tails eating cheetos. Too funny and cute as she obviously was used to the seagulls. My Nan and I thought she looked like the coppertone baby. To funny. It was a wonderful few days and lots of great time spent with my Nan.
Here are some pics I hope you enjoy!

The plan is made.
The castle building begins.
In the water early early. yeesh. freezing
and they were working hard. See no one on the beach.
Dad helped a ton. If it weren't for Dad, I think the castle wouldn't have been.
Sorry flip your head to see this one.
Me and my Nan. Enjoying the morning, beach and watching my guys in the water.
Love my guy. He was loving the boogey Board.
Chris Durnan, designer at www.visualdesignsbychris.com GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
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