Please join me at my new site... . This site is no longer active. Offerings are all posted at my new site. Thank you for stopping by! ~Chris
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Out my studio window...
Workin' out of the studio today. Two days of avoiding my window that looks out over the horses. Avoiding with good reason, but on we shall go. I have a border collie who keeps coming in and breathing hot air on my elbow to interrupt my memory moment.
So back to work I go. I have a messsss going on here. I have test cuts galore all over the floor with about ten files for the QMC in process now. Prizes in almost packaged state, billing sheets next to the pc and swap pieces all stacked ready for assembly put together... I hope your studio isn't quite as packed as mine.
Have a wonderful day!
Chris Durnan, designer at GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Just reminiscing....
I need to journal some of our history so when I print my blog off I have some stories included of our Mr. Cool…. So todays post is mostly about that… Hope you don’t mind as I reminisce.
Sometimes we have to let go even if we don’t want to. There is still this empty spot where a puzzle piece of our life fit and now that spot is empty. That as time goes on your pieces may shift some to form a new puzzle piece, but nothing ever quite feels like it fits in that spot. I feel this for my grandfather Gramps and my husband’s Bedstemore. Nothing else quite fits that spot that still burns a little when my brain lets me think about it. I know that our Mr. Cool will burn with me for a long time. Although at the end he was cantankerous and just miserable because of his pain. Wow. We had some fantastic times.
When I first met my husband we spent much time team penning and at the boarding stable. Mr. Cool was an awesome team pen horse. My husband and his two friends originally held the fast time for the arena. Another time I waited with pure anxiousness because my hubbies reins broke and he slipped his hand up the horses neck and rode reinless at breakneck speed to “get the pen” and they did. And pride in his horse had my husband beaming from ear to ear. I spent much time arena side, watching my hubby working him and riding him. My husband had quite a few offers for him when he was in his prime, but never would take a one. He moved here to our place with us from the boarding stable. He was the only horse here for a time. So we had to borrow a few here and there to keep him company. This isn’t a problem now as our stalls have filled, but first living out here they weren’t.
He was a Houdini of horses. You could put him in a stall with a clasp double chain and twist it and he would let himself out. Many times he would let all the rest of the horses out as well into the arena in the middle of the night. And usually he would leave the “young buck” of the crowd in his stall to wait while he played with all the mares. One night he go out with my paint horse “the young buck” and decided to roam the whole property. We spent some time that night at 2 a.m. getting him to come. I stood in front of the boat propeller is sheer stress that he would came at it and carve his chest open as they ran around the yard full blast. Finally common sense rang true that someone had some food and it sounded better than being a “young buck again”.
My husband’s first horse, Mr. Cool, taught him to ride. He was ever forgiving and ever pushing if he felt he could get away with it. All at the same time. Our nieces could ride around on his back and kick and kick and kick and he would just walk around and not give a hint to run. He seemed to know who couldn’t run and who could.
Once when I fed him when the hubby was away at the stable we boarded at, he snagged my keys from my pocket and jangled them in his teeth with his lip in the air. Then turned his butt to me and shook them up and down and up and down. Another time I showed up in tank top cut low in the back and he snagged my bra with his lip and snapped it. I figured the tag must have been sticking up to catch his eye. My husband, then boyfriend, was quite proud when he heard that story from his sputtering girlfriend, now his wife, as she told him the stories.
Once he decided he didn’t want to take me for a ride. So he calmly layed down in the wash and waited for me to get off and then stood up. Paused for a moment.. and then bolted for home. I screamed COOOOOLLL out into the desert. And he stopped for a moment. Turned around and came back with his head hung low. And I walked all the way home (because of course I couldn’t find a rock for my short legs to get me back up on him.) I walked home ranting and raving, spitting sand and sand in my pants and handed the reins to my husband in the arena with a smirk on his face and walked in the house to take a shower. Both seemed to have a smirk on their face as I went to the house. I am sure my hubby and his horse shared some very good secret conversation that day
I know at a time in my best friends life he spent much time confiding in his first horse. Life is filled with stray bumpy paths at time and the saying goes there is nothing like the outside of a horse for the inside of a man. Well in this case, I think it was very true. He listened well for my hubby. Never talked back and kept those secrets. Having Mr. Cool layed the groundwork for friendships at the boarding stable that my husband still has and are some of our best friends now over 10 years later. Really Mr. Cool was our blessing and still is our heart’s blessing.
My son rode him around every once in a while. Many of our friends took their first ride on him. We have friends wives who comment they would have a horse if it was Mr. Cool. All in all. He was wonderful. But in the end he just hurt to much and spent the last few years living, eating, and soaking up the sun.
So here is to all those fantastic memories and soaking up the sun.
Sunny Days or Gloomy Days… still, I can’t help, but Love my Life.
Monday, October 25, 2010
with a heavy heart.. we give you our angel horse
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Private Princess Party
And this is my lovely sister. It seems when my Aunt is away and not around to steal the crown (or tiara as it was explained to us by our Mom. woops total social faux pah to call it a crown). When the Aunt Jill. is away we all have time with the crown. Well those of us who want it... I expect soon my Sis will be asking Nanna for her own Private Princess Party as well. hahaha.
Love our lives.. filled with smiles.. parties.. fun and ... "Tiaras"
Chris Durnan, designer at GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Friday, October 22, 2010
We had a great time and below are some pictures of the girls and us.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Brandied, peppered, sauced. wow... Pears!
when I layed them all out on the table to start with the most ripe ones
first. They are spread all over the table and I could just imagine my friend
Heidi's kids asking me if I had robbed a pear store. As they believed I had
robbed an apple store a few months ago when the table was covered with
So now I am trying to decide on recipes.
First my friend Jan sent me the link for pineapple pear jam. The
recommendation was made to me because the review she received when she made
it was "it was the best ever tasted". I have found that a lot of recipes
call for canning pears with pineapple juice or something of the like. I find
this interesting. I would never normally put these two together, but I can
imagine the flavors melding together.
And then I was thinking about trying pearsauce, but will do that last I
think. variation of apple sauce.
Brandied Pears, although one book I have says to can pears with crème de
menthe. So that is an option. However, I don't have crème de menthe in the
cupboard, but I have seen a bottle of brandy that I don't know where it came
from so we'll use that up. (Not the whole bottle yikes!!)
Also, I found some pear recipes I had never seen before and thought hmmm. I
am looking for variety in my canning. One was a Peppery Pear Salsa for a
condiment use on chicken and other items and another was for a pear chutney.
Also a good accompaniment to chicken, but pork chops also.
I am addicted to my canning books, but I really like the smaller batch
versions. Since I like to do a little in the evening when I am cooking
dinner or my boys are watching a movie.. probably star wars. So if you have
a book you really like for canning. I would love to check it out. And really
I check them out from the library and see if it is one I can't live without.
I have two I sent back right away. Totally boring recipes. I saw one listed
as contemporary canning with rave reviews because of its uniqueness, but it
isn't a library book yet. So maybe in the future.
I must admit pears are not the first fruit I pick up in the store. I wonder
why I have a table covered in them at the present. It will probably take me
through the weekend to get them all processed. But really the positive
feeling I get after I can and look at the pretty jars I have filled with
goodies makes my chest swell in pride. I hope you have that thing in your
life that makes your chest swell in pride.... I just love my life..
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bingo Begins tomorrow!! Sign up today...
Tomorrow Bingo starts so visit the forum and sign up today. Ginger is continuing on the Anniversary celebration in the forum. But today is the last day to sign up! Look at these great prizes she posted. Thankkkkk you! Ginger!!
I am off to finish picking winners in the forum and see who will be receiving all our goodies.
Thank you as always to everyone who celebrated with us! We couldn’t do it without you.
Tomorrow I draw the grandprize winner so make sure your list is up to date today!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My file for you today
Prizes Galore.. today enter to win..
And Lori of Beloved keepsakes has offered up a photo star for the 2nd place grand prize winner. These are beautiful! I know because I drool over them often. One day I will have the perfect pics to send and have a western style one done for on my wall.
I will be back after brunch to get more freebies uploaded and join in the partying. Did you think we were done? nope I have more.
For now don't forget to scroll down and visit all the designers offering files in the forum and on their blogs to celebrate! And I'll be back with more!
Brunch? Yes brunch... last night I had the honor of being asked to be a Godmother again. Last night was mass and today we celebrate for brunch. Woohoo! I will post lots of pictures later this week.
Chris Durnan, designer at GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!
My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!
And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My Second post today... anniversary freebie
Digi-Cutter Files offered in SCUT, GSD, KNK, WPC & AI (SVG) at
First if you haven't been here today... you should scroll down and see the drawing going on for a $25.00 gift certificate.
And now on to today.... My anniversary file for you. the password is iagreetou . The file in whole will be posted to the membership for the QMC. However, for my blog visitors today you can pick up this cute lamp that you could put on a front of a card, moving layout, new home card, child moving to college anything where heavy lifting of furniture is involved and you "light up my life"
Also, Don't forget to stop by the other blogs and the forum to grab a few more freebies. There are two posted in the forum today. One by LisaJane of Filekutz and Kitty's Cuttings...
RSMobley Designs aka Sharon Mobley
Kandrew Designs aka Getting Cricky with KAndrew Designs Blog
Beloved Keepsakes aka Lori McDonald's Blog
While you are in the forum don't forget to check out the challenges.
They are easy peasy so you can get entered in the grand drawing... Some are...
Post your favorite project, quote, photo, tool and we also have the Grand Theft Challenge. Always fun with a huge prize!!!
Every drawing you enter gives you another entry in the grand prize which is an external hard drive to save all your fabulous files on.
And stopy Cuttin' Up Designs to see the winners from yesterdays prize giveaways...
I dont want you to miss a gift certificate....

Friday, October 15, 2010
Our 2nd Anniversary Party!!

And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tomorrow is the day....
Our 2nd Anniversary Celebration!. In fact some of the items have started loading to the forum. Woohoo!! I am off to keep putting it together. Have a wonderful day and get ready get set… here it comes… fun fun fun!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Where is Chris?
Here I am. Wow I am looking through our prizes. Watching the designers on the “More Team” put together all their extras and fun stuff for the Anniversary Party this weekend. I am so so so excited! It has been a lot of fun seeing everyone’s projects in the forum and helping folks in the forum. Please mark your calendars for this coming weekend. A great time to stop by and check in to all the challenges and offerings for a party!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Last day for the bonus file
And everyone have a wonderfulllll weekend!!
Enjoy! Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, October 7, 2010
So so cutey!! Happy Aunt!
little babies that are our niece and nephews when they have other parents to
stay up with them all night. Hehe. And here is my crazy kid, his cousin and
our Nan holding the baby. Nan always looks up at the sky like she sees some
bird that has popped into the room. I figured out how to fix that last time
we were all together. I hold the camera to the side and then I talk to Nan
and say look at me and smile.. she looks me in the eyes. And wahla she is
looking at the camera and not some imaginery bird. Thank goodness. :-)
Anyways. Here are a few pictures of the many many we have :-) of course. So
this is just a tidbit to Enjoy! Chris
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My new nephews room
sister before she had the cutey and tomorrow I will post pics of the cutey.
His room is so cute and ready for the little boy to "take off" in life!!
Aunt Chris
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Make your Own Banner Grab Bag File
Here is one of the grab bag files I created for the month of October. Those great Happy Birthday Banners etc. I made this one below for a baby shower for a friend. My kiddo wanted to help so he cut the little bee from the walk in the garden cartridge on my Cricut. He loves loves to push those buttons and helped me glue them together. I will be using this file alot personally. I used brads with flowers and hung the bees and flowers with thread. My kiddo cut one of the bees and didn’t want to glue the pieces on again. So he drew the cute smiley bee and he was thrilled to see it up on the decorations in the pictures. The shower's theme was quite bumbley and super cute! Heidi did an awesome job putting it together. She definitely has style when she plans her parties. And the diaper cake came out super cute. I have never made one of these, but I think these guys are the experts in diaper cakes. Cute cute!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Marinated Roasted Red Peppers
For those on my FB page you know, but others ... I pretty much have sprained my ankle. But the positive... The kiddo is on break with me so I don't have to drive to school and walk in. And my crafting hands are free to create. I really have to wonder how my ankles can look chunkier then they normally are. I was in a total state of denial until I took my wrap off and wow who stuffed an apple under my skin on my ankle?? But alas not much can keep me down. So I will ice and rest and keep on chugging.
Have a mahvelous day and evening!!! Life is awesome.
Enjoy! Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Friday, October 1, 2010
List of files for the QMC and the next one
Hey folks,
First I have loaded the new qmc to the store….
You can get it for $9.00 for a few days.
Also, while you are there check out the grab bag. I am one of the participants. We are previewing right away because we think there might some things you would like to make for the holidays. Well we know there are! Super cute and check out the bonus file for being by the 8th. One of those ever popular Tiles. Also, a wonderful gift for relatives!
And if you are a current member for July-Sept you have until October 15th to download all the files listed below. Enjoy!
CD00733 - #01 - Polynesian Parrots
CD00734 - #02 - Zebra Inchies & Border
CD00737 - #03 - Parrot
CD00738 - #04 - Corners & Such
CD00736 - #05 - Mini Album Sing
CD00739 - #06 - Rocket Cuts
CD00740 - #07 - Never Give Up
CD00741 - #08 - First Snuggles
CD00745 - #09 - Tea Pot Card Front Set
CD00746 - #10 - Tea Party Title and Border
CD00742 - #11 - Ribbon Sided Gift Box
CD00743 - #12 - Meow Who?
CD00744 - #13 - Ho Ho Ho Holy Night
CD00735 - #14 - Rocket Book
CD00747 - #15 - Closed for Cleaning Doorhangers
CD00751 - #16 - Lake Adventures
CD00750 - #17 - Lake Peace
CD00749 - #18 - Lakeside Fun
CD00748 - #19 - Swimming in the Lake
CD00758 - #20 - Color Corner Set
CD00757 - #21 - Color Edge Set
CD00756 - #22 - Beauty is Within
CD00759 - #23 - Haunted House Title and Front Gate
CD00760 - #24 - Card Fronts 760
CD00762 - #25 - Cupcake Wrapper Tea Party
CD00761 - #26 - Cupcake Wrapper Zebra
CD00753 - #27 - Angel Paper Piecing/Stained glass
CD00763 - #28 - Oklahoma
CD00764 - #29 – Michigan
Another quarter comes to a close and I find it necessary to reiterate that I really appreciate all my QMC members.You support me and I in turn can support my family. Thank you!