PS If you make it all the way through these pics.. you are probably, Mom, Dad, Nanna, Grandma, Papa or Grandpa or Boppa.

From May 2009
Yes that is my son conducting in the picture above. He practiced over and over the song because he wanted to be the kid that got the mic part. However, he didn't make the cut I guess so. He decided if he wasn't gonna be the guy then he was gonna conduct him. hahah. too cute. And as you can tell He is very SERIOUS about his conducting. haha.
And the practicing in our house included the bathroom. I would ask him what he was doing and he was sitting on the floor belting out the words at the top of his lungs on the floor of the bathrom. "What are you doing hon?"" I am singing MOM. It sounds good in here" My son has joined the ranks who sing in the bathroom for the acoustics. IT IS awesome.
From April 2010
I am not sure what this conversation was about? Maybe like...
See this stick horse... You can be replaced if you don't listen.
or See this stick horse.. this is what happened to the last horse that didn't listen.
hahaha. Okay just teasing. I asked him what he was doing. He said
"DESENTIZING. You know mom where she won't be afraid of anything &
needs more experiences. She hasn't seen my rodeo stick horse"
"Oh yep. you're right" was my come back before I got..
you guessed it... the eye roll... for interrupting his training. haha.
From May 2009
Comments from my son this weekend that just made my Handsome Hubby and I just giggle.
" Wow there's a porcupine in here"
explanation: My son was trying to get the strawberries out from behind a pineapple in the fridge and kept getting poked. But he yelled it like there really was a porcupine. just made us giggle and try to keep straight faces.
Setup: Watching a John Wayne movie and my son is cramming some toys down on the floor and lays his head on them... "What ya doing?" my kiddos response "Well I am pretending this is a saddle as you can't take a pillow out on the range or you'd be called some Fluffy Cowboy" This time I was in the kitchen and heard this and my eyes were watering I was trying so hard not to giggle. My HHubby response was "You're right" and on they went to watch the rest of the show.
Things to make my hubby just beam...
"Hey Dad Wanna Watch a John Wayne movie"
This left Rays of sunlight coming out of the room from my hubbies big grin.
I, myself, started to clean house. I have seen them all. so I was good. haha.
"Hey Dad. We should go on a roundup and take the horses and go. Wouldn't that be fun"
Again my husbands beaming grin light the sky more then the sun.
Sept 2012
So while Dad was working horses, cows and having adventures.
We got to hang in the truck and at the hotel. (Yes I got our truck back. woohooo!!)
My son is here kicking back as we watched Dad for a bit.
My son almost beat me twice in chess. It was killer. He is getting really good.
He just looks right at home doesn't he.Love those dimples!
This photo below Dec 2011
November 2009 at the Races
Cow Sorting below in April 2009 and the Fair
My kiddo receiving his buckle from the guys

Riding with Dad from Nov 2008 and some cute stories.
So here are my guys hanging out on the fence line watching the team penning. At one point a lady squeezed in and moved a bunch of horses over in the line. And my sons horse being smaller backed out of the line on her own. And my son says. HEY HEY HEY!! and the other adults who had been hanging out with him all day said. Oh Sorry! Did we squish you out! And they all moved their horses butts over again and Dalen pushed his horse up on the line again. Dad was grinning from ear to ear. It got to be be Dalen got asked for good luck by some of the older guys we know and Dalen would yell the whole time they were in there... Go Eddy.. good luck. gettem. Go Go Go Eddy. things like this. it was cute.
Fishing in May 2008

Then my little one and his catch of the day.
That's all I can do for now. Maybe some more this weekend. I might be biased, but Ithink he is so cute. :-)
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