Summer is here... wooohoo! So wanted to remind you of this quick project that might help you through the summer months with kids of any kind... grand, greats, cousins, friends. If you have any ideas I could add let me know. I am looking for self-motivated ideas to add to the list and refresh "the jar" for this summer.
I am taking new ideas to add on my facebook page to...
HERE I'd love to have yours here on my blog or on facebook.
You can see my original post
Here is the original Conglomeration list from that post of ideas you can make your own.
I can say the two hits were freeze a toy and excavate it out, Marshmallow and toothpick model. I don't know why these were fun but they were for my son!
A conglomeration list.
Make homemade finger paints
Make a masterpiece with sidewalk chalk
Go on a bike ride
Make a treasure map and go on a hunt
Make your own Memory game and play
Create puppets and put on a show
Build a bed sheet fort
Write and illustrate your own story
Make your own movie
Make a card for the next person's birthday.
Make a crayon/watercolor painting
Write some thank you notes
Create artwork using your hand/footprints
Activities w/ colored pasta
Make old coins shiny w/ salt and vinegar
Play pretend restaurant
Decorate letters cut from the Cricut
Red Light/Green Light
Play “Hot and Cold”
Play Hide and Seek
Make an obstacle course and time yourselves
Make a collage of your favorite things
Make an ABC book
Go on a color hunt
Create sculptures using toothpicks and marshmallows
Make masks from paper plates
Reverse treasure hunt
Make homemade bubbles
Make HUGE bubbles
Wash cars and bikes
Paint cement with water
Jump on tramp
Water games in the backyard
Squirt bottle tag
Learn some origami
Have a dance party
Have a pretend “drive-in” theater
clean up bathroom
paint a chalk mural
play checkers
play with your puppy
brush your horse
brush your dog
learn a new card game to teach M&D
play in sandbox
skate on patio
write a story
clean up patio
take a swim in the water tank
work on a wolf elective
write a thank you note
read for 15 minutes
color a page in your coloring book
make a card for the next birthday
make something out of a craft magazine
put together a sock puppet show
make your bed
clean up your legos
run through the sprinkler
play uno or guess who?
play with bubbles
fly a kite
clean up your fort area
go through your sock drawer &
matchup socks teach Freckles a new
call someone & tell them a joke
make a bird feeder
fill the bird feeders
write a secret code & mail the message & the code seperate
cut out pictures of your favorite things from a magazine
find a new recipe
cut letters on the cricut and decorate them
work on 2nd grade spelling words
practice scout motto, pledge and handshake
play with Legos
make your own Lego pattern with Lego builder
write and send a cousin a letter cut from magazine letters
write and send a cousin a letter or picture drawing practice crab crawl
make little cars out of boxes and
house goodie
Create puzzles from drawings/photos
Set up a mini golf course
Make pinwheels
Play a board game
Do some school worksheets
Have an impromptu photoshoot w/ props
Draw while blindfolded
Make slime
Make your own “Headbandz” game and play
Freeze things in ice and “dig” them out
Dress ups
Play charades
Research a topic on the internet (w/mom or dad)
Play with the R/C cars
Make a craft from mom’s idea
Straw and cotton ball race on the kitchen table
Do a pretend cooking show
Make finger puppets
Interview family members
Make a family tree
Write in your journal
Do something nice for someone else
Take care of our garden
Do a Wolf Scout elective
Play in the playhouse/swings
Memorize a poem
Do a science experiment
Diet Coke and Mentos experiment
Make up a secret code and write notes
bake cookies/brownies
make homemade ice cream
clean up book shelf.
Make homemade finger paints
Make a masterpiece with sidewalk chalk
Go on a bike ride
Make a treasure map and go on a hunt
Make your own Memory game and play
Create puppets and put on a show
Build a fort
Write and illustrate your own story
Make your own movie
Make a crayon/watercolor painting
Write some thank you notes
Create artwork using your hand/footprints
Activities w/ colored pasta
Make old coins shiny w/ salt and vinegar
Play pretend restaurant
Decorate letters cut from the Cricut
Red Light/Green Light
Play “Hot and Cold”
Play Hide and Seek
Make an obstacle course and time yourselves
Make a collage of your favorite things
Make an ABC book
Go on a color hunt
Create sculptures using toothpicks and marshmallows
Make masks from paper plates
Reverse treasure hunt
Make homemade bubbles
Make HUGE bubbles
Wash cars and bikes
Paint cement with water
Jump on tramp
Water games in the backyard
Squirt bottle tag
Learn some origami
Have a dance party
Have a pretend “drive-in” theater
Create puzzles from drawings/photos
Set up a mini golf course
Make pinwheels
Play a board game
Do some school worksheets
Have an impromptu photoshoot w/ props
Draw while blindfolded
Make slime
Make your own “Headbandz” game and play
Freeze things in ice and “dig” them out
Dress ups
Play charades
Research a topic on the internet (w/mom or dad)
Play with the R/C cars
Make a craft from mom’s idea
Straw and cotton ball race on the kitchen table
Do a pretend cooking show
Make finger puppets
Interview family members
Make a family tree
Write in your journal
Do something nice for someone else
Take care of our garden
Do a Wolf Scout elective
Play in the playhouse/swings
Memorize a poem
To get quick fun updates of things going on, you can
join my facebook page.
My files in the
store can be located
here. Thank you for stopping by!