They were so not my style... first off... flour and gluten. eesh and ... well I am not into
bathroom references on my food. icko. and the plastic bug for the top....
Can I say Cheers for the Mom!!! The boys loved it and were just giddy at the thought of what they were gonna munch on. Some wanted to take home to siblings. so fun!

See my son's biggo ol grin. And he lloves FONDANT. so he was super happy with that and didn't even care about the illusion of well... flies on toilet paper. haha. love him.
Just had to share... I thought some would appreciate it.
This thought might be perfect for the personal care section in Cub Scouts next year. haha. what a way to make them squirm and giggle I love it.
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Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Mar. 27, 2012. Thanks again.
Oh boy! I SO could not eat that cupcake, even knowing it's nothing but frosting! LOL
Anyways...I wanted to let you know that I gave you an award...check out my blog for the deets! :-)
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