Monday, June 27, 2011

Second batch from the fakery bakery

Okay so last night I thought I would try another batch before the can went bad. It wouldn't rise. And the consistancy of the foamy stuff when spraying wasn't the same as when first opened. This is good to know. And this batch sat out in the heat and turned yellow whereas the firstbatch are all still white. This leads me to believe I will need to paint the white batch just in case it turns yellow. I would hate to have the perfect frosting job and have the fakery cupcake turn yellow.

Please note where it says use gloves!!! Use gloves. Yeesh that stuff is sticky. Just my experienced word of advise.
And you may ask why is this taking me so many days? Well I am having to do it in between life, files and the great heat. :) but it's fun to do something at my own pace.

Now I have to figure out what kind of light spackle for the wilton cake tips. I bought the cheap box with the coupon to try. Any input on spackle. I have to mix in paint coloring. This is gonna be a gloppPy mess. :)

Hope your having a great day!
Enjoy! Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fake cupcakes - step 1

So here is the first step of my quest to make fake cupcakes for my cupcake wrappers. Super easy I just sprayed the goopy stuff in and let it sit. It expanded itself into a perfect dome. To do again and I may try another dozen just to use up the can and have a practice batch for frosting, but to do again I may not fill as much. So this step fairly painless. Because I don't eat cakes often. I don't bake nor frost often. So frosting seems a little worrisome. But we shall see how it goes. Spackle for frosting with paint to tint it. Fun stuff. Just had to share the first step.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, June 24, 2011

hmmm... how much was that?

Always interesting…

Yesterday I called on a truck part for my hubby. I didn’t realize hubby and I had a same place on our list. We both called the same place talked to two different guys.

Me “the girl” got quoted 355.00

He “the boy” got quoted 250.00

And when he said I saw it on your site for 230.00 the guy said.  Oh yeah. I can do that. Hmmm.


I do believe I will not be calling on parts any longer for the truck.  The difference was just to huge to be a “new guy” scenario.



So that means truck work this weekend. Early in the a.m. preferably before it is over 100. Sounds like fun. I am not a whole lot of help. But I am good at sitting beside the truck and rambling and chatting about things that don’t really matter while the hubby does all the work. Sometimes my hands are smaller and a better fit into where a part needs to go. Oh and I am  good at getting tools. I need to make a tshirt that says “the tool girl” haha.  Another time when we were dating my hubby and I had spent the day working on a truck in the parking lot of a home depot. A cable had gone out. My hands were the only ones small enough to fit up under the engine from the ground. So I am laying  there working under it next to my boyfriend at the time. When all done, we stopped by his Mom’s on the way to. My hubby says. “You’re all dirty.” And grinned. I laughed back and said. “well so are you” He laughed and said  “Yeah but you’re a dirty chic.” And we both laughed. I think it was over a 100 that day and the heat had gotten to us.  Something tells me “the dirty chic girl” would not be taken the same as a tshirt that says “the tool girl”. Haha. What a great memory.


But on Saturday  I have the last half of the day to craft! Yeah so excited. I have a ton of QMC files I need to do last cuts on. This is awesome. It has been hard working with the kiddo home because he wants attention. Which I can totally understand.  Well I am off to finish up somethings so I can take that day to cut and load files.


Have a wonderful day!



Monday, June 20, 2011

With smoke.. No mountains

And this is without our beautiful mountain views as the smoke obscures it. Closest currently burning fire is 50 miles away. We pray for those families being relocated and getting to visit their homes with an escort only to survey the damage. Is it day 69 or 70? Of no rain? The record is 100 days I hope we don't beat the record this year. I pray for rain and the safety of all those around us. -Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Without smoke

So some folks are asking about the fires in Arizona. I promised to post a pic or two and just ran out of time so here is picture number one without smoke of the mountains we see from our house. All of Arizona seems to be a blaze and it is pretty stressful. Tenatively we are thinking about pland and what we would do to haul out. And then we also are thinking about holiday weekend plans for the fourth and with everything as it is. We'll just stay home and enjoy eachothers company. So in this picture there is approximately 1 mile of homes scattered between us and the mountains. After that one mile it is brush, dry grass and open range all the way to the base of the mountains. In my next post I will post the with smoke picture from yesterday night when we got home. - Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today is my birthday... wooohoo! So today will be the last day of Birthday Week Wishlist winners.

However, the Sale and Bonus Birthday file is still in effect until Sunday. for more info you can visit here.

But to celebrate a little more I am offering this free file. Class of 2011. This is a terms restricted file so the password is iagreetou. Which means you know the file is for personal use. Those who are already QMC Members... this is in the perks section of the Membership forum. So if the link is gone you can still grab it there as long as you are a current member. For those downloading from my blog here it is and don't forget the password. This is only the Class of 2011 words and not the Katrina in the picture.

Have a Happy Happy Day!

Chris Durnan, designer at GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!

My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!

And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

3rd, 4th & 5th Wishlist Winners

I sent out three wishlist winner files today.. Here are the winners and the files they received. Don't forget I am running a sale and you get a bonus file! Woohoo! So much fun.

Cara won the Magical Borders 2

Joann won the Flower Borders 1

Heather won the Gear Head Accents

Congrats ladies!


Chris Durnan, designer at GSD KNK WPC AI SCUT files for your personal digital cutters for use with scrapbooking, cardmaking and other hobbies. Whatever your creative mind can come up with!

My files work on many machines. Some of them are: Klik-n-kut, Pazzle, Wishblade, Silhouette, Cricut, Craft Robo. Some of the software involved with these machines are: Funtime, Scrapbooking, WinPC/Signlab, Inkscape, Create & Cut, Illustrator, KNK Studio, Robomaster, DesignMaster and the list goes on..... Enjoy!

And our cutter file "freebies" are kept in the forum. We add to them as we can.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Father's Day & 2nd Wishlist winner

It's almost Father's Day! I order the deal from Little Birdie today! So I can send my Dad some homemade chocolate chip cookies. He will love them.  He doesn't get to many homemade treats. I couldn't pass up the deal of 12.00 for 25.00 and then I checked David's Cookies. Where the deal is good for and looked at the shipping and it listed as 4.95! Yeah. This makes me even happier. So had to share.

And next…

Our 2nd Birthday Week Wishlist Winner is..
Wendy! I sent Wendy the Butterfly Bracket Jumble today to celebrate my birthday. This file was listed on Wendy's wishlist.
Don't forget to clean up your wishlists as I will be giving away until Thursday my Birthday. And then if you didn't win you can always participate in my special offer. Listed HERE. Which comes with this bonus file.  Yeah! I love to give away.

Check back all week for giveaways and winner lists.

Have a fantastic day!
Enjoy! ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶

Monday, June 13, 2011

First Wishlist Winner: Anne

Anne is our first Birthday Week Wishlist Winner. This is the download link I sent to her.
Thank you Anne for being a part of the site!!!

Enjoy! ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶

Don't forget to stop by the site and see the sale. More info HERE.

Sale & Bonus File and Wishlist Giveaways.

Hey Folks…

I am posting a sale plus a bonus file for purchases this week. The sale goes through this Sunday.

Also. I will be searching Wishlists to give away some Birthday week surprises so keep an eye on your emails you use at the store. As you will get download links to files you have in your wishlist, keep an eye on my blog or the forum where I will post them. I hope you took the **hints** and cleaned them up for this week!

Woohoo!! So much fun.

Here is a link for more information! And which file is the free bonus file!

Here is info on my Birthday Week sale. Have a great week!



PS you must be logged in to the store for sales and wishlists!

PSS I will post the first wishlist winner later today. J Enjoy!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Make a sculpture out of marshmallows & toothpicks

My son pulled this slip from the WSID jar and looked at me like?? What?? Really?? Hmm. So I gave him half a bag of marshmallows and I had two boxes of toothpicks so I gave him one. We both weren't sure how it was gonna go. He sat at the table holding toothpick in one hand and marshmallow in the other. He stared off in space for a bit then I heard a giggle and the creation began. I kept coming out to check and this is what morphed into a sculpture that hasn't been titled. I took a picture this morning and threw it away because no marshmallows and ants needed. But the hour of time taking two items you would never imagine and sticking them together and figuring out how to configure them was perfect. I look at it and I see DNA so I wonder if the scientists of the world ever played with marshmallows and toothpicks. Hmmm makes you think... I believe Creativity breeds ingenuity! Oh and happy smiles! Have a wonderfully creative day! Enjoy! Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sundae in a Jar

I am canning today. Not feeling on top of the world, but can't let the strawberries and apples and raspberry go bad. I am making Sundae in a Jar it calls for a 1/3 of a cup of chocolate liquer. I am only canning one batch I believe it will be dangerous to have in the house otherwise. So question is what would you do with the rest of the chocolate liqueur. Any recipes or ideas? I could just make chocolate milk with it, but maybe you have a better idea? This week I have the goods to make homemade ice cream in ziploc bags when friends come over. Maybe there could be a grownup version hmmm. Well off I go to start todays canning adventures. Have a wonderful day! Chris
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What Should I do? Jar

I saw this type of jar mentioned on a friends FB page. And I had a lightbulb moment. Perfect. My kiddo is an only son and he is super creative and we try to spend as much time with other kids as we can, but sometimes we just have to work. And he is really good at entertaining himself or learning what we are doing and helping, but sometimes the “what Should I Do?” pops up. I have seen this as an “I’m Bored Jar”. But I like the “what should I do?” better.


So I took this jar and added a ribbon and tag. I glued the top on with my Glue Glider Pro. I also printed out a list of items on different colored papers and folded them in half for in the jar. Then I took some of the magnets off the fridge that are business cards and I have never looked at and cut one up in chunks and made little magnets that give a certain amount of time during the summer days for reading and tv/game/computer time. My kiddo really liked this because he could control when he got to use the time up by putting them in the done side on the fridge. And when he was out of time he played legos and went on to color and read some more actually.  He loves the independence of choosing his own things he wants to do. He finished his chore yesterday and then went on to read, play games, legos and color. All as he wanted to. and I was happy to limit the tv time.


I cut the magnet up and glued it also with one of my GlueArts  guns. The glue Glider Pro. Love these Love these! I have one on every counter I work at it in my studio. And I also bought a 2 inch circle punch for quick projects. I just love circles and these is easy for me to grab and go!


Anyways. Below is my list of items I put in my What Should I do Jar? Some things we do. Some things I saw on the internet and thought what a great list. So it is a mish mash. Some of them may have been duplicated. And some I printed but threw away because they didn’t apply to us. And some I added are things for around the house. Like my son is responsible for cleaning the counter and mirror in his bathroom. And keep the clothes and towels off the floor. Easy peasy. So who knows what he will get from the “what should I do?” jar.


Hope you find lots of time for Summer fun! I know we are.




A conglomeration list.

Make homemade finger paints

Make a masterpiece with sidewalk chalk

Go on a bike ride

Make a treasure map and go on a hunt

Make your own Memory game and play

Create puppets and put on a show

Build a bed sheet fort

Write and illustrate your own story

Make your own movie

Make a crayon/watercolor painting

Write some thank you notes

Create artwork using your hand/footprints

Activities w/ colored pasta

Make old coins shiny w/ salt and vinegar

Play pretend restaurant

Decorate letters cut from the Cricut

Red Light/Green Light

Play “Hot and Cold”

Play Hide and Seek

Make an obstacle course and time yourselves

Make a collage of your favorite things

Make an ABC book

Go on a color hunt

Create sculptures using toothpicks and marshmallows

Make masks from paper plates

Reverse treasure hunt

Make homemade bubbles

Make HUGE bubbles

Wash cars and bikes

Paint cement with water

Jump on tramp

Water games in the backyard

Squirt bottle tag

Learn some origami

Have a dance party

Have a pretend “drive-in” theater

clean up bathroom


paint a chalk mural


play checkers


play with your puppy


brush your horse


brush your dog


learn a new card game to teach M&D


play in sandbox


skate on patio


write a story


clean up patio


take a swim in the water tank


work on a wolf elective


write a thank you note


read for 15 minutes


color a page in your  coloring book


make a card for the next birthday

make something out of a craft magazine


put together a sock puppet show


make your bed


clean up your legos


run through the sprinkler


play uno or guess who?


play with bubbles


fly a kite


clean up your fort area


go through your sock drawer &


matchup socks teach Freckles a new



call someone & tell them a joke


make a bird feeder


fill the bird feeders


write a secret code & mail the message & the code seperate


cut out pictures of your favorite things from a magazine


find a new recipe


cut letters on the cricut and decorate them


work on 2nd grade spelling words


practice scout motto, pledge and handshake


play with Legos


make your own Lego pattern with Lego builder


write and send a cousin a letter cut from magazine letters


write and send a cousin a letter or picture drawing practice crab crawl



make little cars out of boxes and
house goodie

Create puzzles from drawings/photos

Set up a mini golf course

Make pinwheels

Play a board game

Do some school worksheets

Have an impromptu photoshoot w/ props

Draw while blindfolded

Make slime

Make your own “Headbandz” game and play

Freeze things in ice and “dig” them out

Dress ups

Play charades

Research a topic on the internet (w/mom or dad)

Play with the R/C cars

Make a craft from mom’s idea

Straw and cotton ball race on the kitchen table

Do a pretend cooking show

Make finger puppets

Interview family members

Make a family tree

Write in your journal

Do something nice for someone else

Take care of our garden

Do a Wolf Scout elective

Play in the playhouse/swings

Memorize a poem

Do a science experiment

Diet Coke and Mentos experiment

Make up a secret code and write notes

bake cookies/brownies


make homemade ice cream


clean up book shelf.


Make homemade finger paints

Make a masterpiece with sidewalk chalk

Go on a bike ride

Make a treasure map and go on a hunt

Make your own Memory game and play

Create puppets and put on a show

Build a fort

Write and illustrate your own story

Make your own movie

Make a crayon/watercolor painting

Write some thank you notes

Create artwork using your hand/footprints

Activities w/ colored pasta

Make old coins shiny w/ salt and vinegar

Play pretend restaurant

Decorate letters cut from the Cricut

Red Light/Green Light

Play “Hot and Cold”

Play Hide and Seek

Make an obstacle course and time yourselves

Make a collage of your favorite things

Make an ABC book

Go on a color hunt

Create sculptures using toothpicks and marshmallows

Make masks from paper plates

Reverse treasure hunt

Make homemade bubbles

Make HUGE bubbles

Wash cars and bikes

Paint cement with water

Jump on tramp

Water games in the backyard

Squirt bottle tag

Learn some origami

Have a dance party

Have a pretend “drive-in” theater

Create puzzles from drawings/photos

Set up a mini golf course

Make pinwheels

Play a board game

Do some school worksheets

Have an impromptu photoshoot w/ props

Draw while blindfolded

Make slime

Make your own “Headbandz” game and play

Freeze things in ice and “dig” them out

Dress ups

Play charades

Research a topic on the internet (w/mom or dad)

Play with the R/C cars

Make a craft from mom’s idea

Straw and cotton ball race on the kitchen table

Do a pretend cooking show

Make finger puppets

Interview family members

Make a family tree

Write in your journal

Do something nice for someone else

Take care of our garden

Do a Wolf Scout elective

Play in the playhouse/swings

Memorize a poem




