Today is a great day! Saturday... a day of celebration and fun!! You can visit the forum Anniversary threads here. You can Pin, Halloween, Fill the Gallery, just all kinds of fun things and enter some challenges. Enjoy!
Also, I am having a 40% off sale in my part of the store. Includes Rhinestone patterns, but not the QMC.

Things I need to say about freebies.
You can DOWNLOAD here.
When you enter the password it says I agree TOU. it means that you agree to my terms of use that this is a personal use. In order for me to keep creating freebies. Please send folks here to my blog. Another good place to find me is on my facebook page for quick updates.
Answers to Questions..
Folks ask my why am I loading to the forum and why the password. Well my other option is a site perhaps like 4shared etc. So you would follow the same steps only instead you go to the forum on the VDBC site and download. I am trying to centralize my work and time on the net so I can create create create. (I am having success with this goal as I have been creating like crazy.) So once you have registered at the forum you can continue to download the freebies by using the passwords. They change once a month rather then every time. So sometimes the forum may not even ask you for a password if you already entered it that month. :-) And that is the blah blah blah of today's post.
So now run on over and grab that file. And just remember....
if you are a"current QMC member" I load all my downloads from my blog to the QMC perks section for your download at any time.
To get quick fun updates of things going on, you can join my facebook page.
My files in the store can be located here. Thank you for stopping by!
Thanks, Chris! So excited to party at the forum today. Woohoo! :-)
Love the freebie, just got back from Disney actually, so lots of pictures to scrap. Happy Anniversary, thanks for all the great files over the years and many more years to come. Off to get ready for Sandy.
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